Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Institute of Inspection & Cleaning RestorationPosted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 11 February 2004
Hi Guys
Not such a well kept secret as I thought...
There is now a UK office and administrator for the IICRC
85, Croydon Road
Surrey CR3 6PD
Tel: 01883 334484
Derek Posted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 11 February 2004
Does this mean we can now pay our dues in GB pounds?Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 11 February 2004
Hi John
I understand that provision has been made for payments to be made in 'Blairtown money'
..used to be known as sterling but since the Chancellor has been mucking about with it I do wonder
I am also led believe that all those previously involved with IICRC are to be written to in the very near future.....that'll be nice.
DerekPosted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 11 February 2004
Surley with George Bush pulling Phoney Blairs strings we could still have to pay in $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 11 February 2004
Hey John
Maybe the rumours are true... if Mr Blair can't be President of the Federated States of Europe he may take our ball back off the French/Germans and go with the Yanks
And I am only just coming to terms with the decimal currency ..Hey Ho
Derek Posted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 11 February 2004
My mate who's a Labour Party fanatic calls him 'Tory Blair'
ShaunPosted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 11 February 2004
Best MP the Tories have ever had.Posted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 11 February 2004
Blair witch project- what's all that about then?
am i diversifying?
shaunPosted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 11 February 2004
The pound in your pocket is now worth more, and acording to the Sunday Times is going to get stronger against the dollar.
It means JPs info should come down in price.Posted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 11 February 2004
I think most if not all suppliers who buy from the Us will play dumb!
ShaunPosted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 12 February 2004
Sorry John the best Tory PM After Maggie.
Pay in $ they’re cheap at the moment you say money.
LenPosted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 12 February 2004
on 02/11/04 at 20:03:33, John_Flynn wrote:Best MP the Tories have ever had.
MP (Member of Parliment) NOT PM (Prime Minister).Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 13 February 2004
John I may have lost the plot but as far as I know Tony Blair is an mp in his local consistence but he is PM as was Churchill, Wilson, Maggie etc and he rules the roost ok JP may hold the purse strings at this moment but Henry the 8th had a sure way of dealing with problems So JP watch you back
LenPosted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 13 February 2004
Posted by woodman (woodman), 13 February 2004
Just to add,
In an interview with Maggie Thatcher a while back an interviewer asked:
'So Lady Thatcher, in conclusion what do you believe was your biggest achievment as PM and leader of the Conservative Party'
Maggie's Reply: 'New Labour' Ouch
That reply must have cut through Blah Blah Blairs heart like a knife through butter.
Political rant over Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 13 February 2004
Hi Guys
We are diversifying somewhat ... but I have to say I didn't realise that there were so many 'Blair fans' in the carpet cleaning fraternity
DerekPosted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 13 February 2004
Please DO NOT count me as one!!Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 13 February 2004
Sorry for any offence John
I was being cynical....but you already knew that
Derek Posted by Ian_Hare (Ian Hare), 13 February 2004
Politicians of all parties are much the same when in power!
It's known as the WIIFM syndrome.Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 13 February 2004
Hi Ian
I do so applies at the local levels too
DerekPosted by Ivar_Haglund (Ivar_Haglund), 13 February 2004
HOw come you Brits dont use Euros
Now Norwegian Kroner
that is a kick A¤¤ currency.
Just say not to the EU
Just Germany and France telling you what to do and when to do it.
Never could trust the Germans and the French anyway
IVAR Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 13 February 2004
Hi Ivar
I don't think that many Brits want the Euro but Mr/ EU President elect Blair thinks otherwise...
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