General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Deep cleaning a pub - what does it entail?Posted by scottrobinson (scottrobinson), 16 October 2003
i am currently a windowcleaner and have been for 8 years now though i am currently trying to branch out into other areas, ie carpets upholstery ect .
Recently i have been asked to deep clean a pub but i am not quite sure what this entails,.
Any help on the matter would be much apprecited.
Cheers scott Posted by Musicman (Musicman), 16 October 2003
Hi, could be a number of things - deep cleans mean different things to different people.
As a guideline it would probably include carpet cleaning, a toilet de-scale and wall/partition washdown, a kitchen deep clean (again what this would entail needs clarification) a high level clean - possibly including light fittings, and a wipe down of all gloss-work and walls.
You really need to agree exactly what is required with your client and confirm it in writing - this could avoid problems later.
As far as pricing is concerned you need to consider when the work is to be done (weekend or overnight work attracts premium rates) but for normal hours somewhere between £20 and £25 per man hour should be acceptable.
I hope this helps.
PS. Don't forget your COSHH paperwork, risk assessments and method statements - just in case!Posted by scottrobinson (scottrobinson), 16 October 2003
Re Deep Cleaning,
Thanks for your reply,
Appreciate it, scottPosted by DP (DP), 17 October 2003
Its always better to get the scope of works agreed in writing as it makes the client think about what they are asking.
This in turn will also assist you in getting the price, once they can see what it is you will be doing for the money.
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