Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
leather piping
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 23 March 2004
I priced up a suite today which was a cream cotton/poly' mix with a leather piping running around the cushions
would this be a problem?
how would the leather and other fabric interact when wet?.
would pre-spraying with solutions then rinsing with water be OK? ( then just wiping the leather dry with a cloth)
I'll test everthing before I start, but I thought I'd ask for advise first 
Posted by pre-vac_Nick (HolmansUKLTD), 23 March 2004
Mike have you still got them tapes?
If not where can i buy them?
thanks NIck
Posted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 23 March 2004
Firstly, on most of the similar suites I have encountered the pipeing has been a synthetic 'leather'. You could probably snip off a piece from the inside and see if it melts.
If it is leather, then in all probability your sugested approach would probably be ok since we have read postings here from cleaners who use micro-splitters to clean leather suites.
Posted by Christal_Clean (Bryan H), 23 March 2004
And I thought I was the only one to use micro-splitters to clean leather !!
I was embarrassed to admit to it in such illustrious company !
Posted by Scots_cleaner (Scots_cleaner), 24 March 2004
Hi Bryan,
I read this post at lunch time today.
Just before my next job (Leater Suite, Vertical blinds)
I done a test on the lesther with "solutions" and was able to see that you can clean leather with it also..........

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