Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
idea for a websitePosted by gibbouk (gibbouk), 23 September 2003
i had an idea to start a web site to compliment this forum. over the past couple of week there has been so many new window cleaners coming on for help and advice. i would like to start a resource site with information for new and old hands at window cleaning. covering such things as start up tools reveiws of different tools. suppliers. on line help and web sites.
i dont want to take the gloss of this great forum but the same questions keep coming up and without going through the archives we keep typing the same answers. also to offer all resouces and this forum will stop new people falling prey to get rich quick sharks that seem to swim here.
i would like to hear from people with any ideas ,comments etc
again i would like to stress compliment this excelent forum not it any way take anything away from it. it would be non profit making. sponsporship maybe??
stevePosted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 23 September 2003
Hi Gibbo
Why cant you do that here? Dont forget that this site is only 3 months old. We're looking at subdividing the window cleaning section into seperate categories - wouldnt this give you the opportunity to do what you are looking to do?
I agree that we dont want the same questions being repeated time and again and we do not encourage 'get rich quick sharks' - we all want the same thing here!
I think you've missed the point of this forum entirely. What sub categories would you like to see?
MikePosted by gibbouk (gibbouk), 23 September 2003
i totaly understand that. i think this site could expand totaly in that direction. it just seems to me that very few people look back through achives and in 2 weeks the same question "what tools do i need to start" has come up 3 times. my fear is that i have typed a list, so has mike i think and others have. do i want to type it all again maybe not, if others think like that we end up with no replies and look like we dont offer the advice that we have in the past. so my point is that this could be stored elsewhere to save this. the other point is that there is manuals and pricing/ estimate programs out there amongst other usefull stuff all free. to have a list of stuff like this again would be handy to anyone new. believe me i said i would start for the only reason that now i am single again i have a few evening free to put towards this but if it could be incorpaerated here then great that would be even better
stevePosted by AMG (AMG), 24 September 2003
How about an FAQ page? (fequently Asked Questions) That way people new to the forum (such as myself) could look through all the most popular questions and read the answers. I think having a few more pages in the Getting started section would be a reat idea, and as Steve said links to manuals and tehnique sites would be very benificial. In my case I have been studying my area and canvassing with some success, I have done the homework but what I can't seem to find is a real ideots guide or 'How To' manual I'm sure the welth of knowledge from the users here all ready could be put to great use in this way.
AndyPosted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 24 September 2003
Hi Andy
If you go to and look on the links page i think their is a free manual their
Hope this helps
Steve LowePosted by gibbouk (gibbouk), 24 September 2003
the ettore site has a how to clean windows articlePosted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 24 September 2003
Sorry gibbouk, Did'nt see your other post re: ettore site
Steve LowePosted by luap (luap), 24 September 2003
i think it shold be incorperated here...have a faq and a libarary, i am sure that the sites mentioned would let you post there articles here with a link to thier site or if anyone(volenteers with time on thier hands) could put a few together.
once you have several boards to go round it becomes a pain in the aesre....
paul.Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 25 September 2003
I'll get on to Ettore to see if we can use it here!Posted by simonb (simonb), 10 October 2003
"the other point is that there is manuals and pricing/ estimate programs out there amongst other usefull stuff all free"
Can someone list the 'free stuff' and where to get it?
SimonPosted by gibbouk (gibbouk), 10 October 2003
this post has gone full cirlcle. the changes to this site since i started this thread are great incorperating new areas and more to come i gather. so i think we should all do as i did not and wait. this site is growing and evolving and becoming the best window cleaning forum i have come across
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