Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
customer's,bless 'em Posted by woodman (woodman), 19 March 2004
Old customer rang today to ask if I'd could arrange cleaning of her suite as I had cleaned it before.
It is an old 3 piece draylon three seater and two armcahirs, fine I said that would be around £155 +vat
'Oh 'she says shocked,' last time you cleaned it it was £78+vat' ,
you must have had some one else in I said, I don't charge those prices,
No she says definitely you I have your invoice right infront of me,
When was it I asked
March 23rd 1994 she says Posted by Northerclean (Alex), 21 March 2004
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