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Washing machine odoursPosted by Neil (wylie), 1 January 2004
Hi Guys and Girls,
I am normally found on the window cleaners forum but I have a problem at home which I hope you people may be able to help with
My washing machine has begun to smell and no matter how hard I seem to clean it returns quite quickly
I think the problem is a build up of soap in the pipes but obviously I cant get at it. I have tried very hot washes with only water and I have cleaned the solids trap but no joy
I was wondering if anyone has tried the method mentioned in the DIRTY BATH topic using the dishwasher tablet Posted by martin_606 (martin_606), 1 January 2004
i would give that method a try but start by using only 1 tablet and go from there.
Try taking out the tray as you can get a lot of build up behind it, sometimes an inch of calcified soap scum builds up, also gets filthy back there.
Are the clothes smelly?
This will either be the pipes or the tray.
Anyone with any other solutions?
Martin Posted by Neil (wylie), 1 January 2004
Thanks Martin I will try that
The clothes are fine (otherwise the wife would have had me up currys with my wallet out by now) Posted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 1 January 2004
I have many times encountered this problem, where the fault is not in the machine itself but due to the machine being incorectly plumbed in.
If the outlet hose is 'hard-plumbed' into the sink waste pipe, smells from the drain can travel up the pipe into the machine. In this instace no ammount of machine flushing will solve the problem.
The correct connection is for the outlet pipe of the machine to enter a vertical pipe of sufficient diameter to allow air to be drawn down the pipe along with the water. At the bottom of this pipe should be a bottle trap, which exhausts to the drain. this pipe, if connected to the sink waste pipe should be below the sink trap.
The reason for the large diameter pipe is to prevent the trap being emptied by the suction caused by the last of the washing machine water as it leaves the lower section of the system.
Hope this is of help,
John.Posted by Neil (wylie), 1 January 2004
Thanks for your reply John
My machine is in a separate utility room with its own plumbing. It does have the 30mm vertical pipe which has a u bend at the bottom but no sign of a bottle trap.
I have got to get the plumber who installed it round to see to another job (heatings playing up) so I will get him to check what you suggest to make sure there are no problems.
NeilPosted by catrodney (catrodney), 1 January 2004
Depending on what machine you have is there an additional filter bottom right on the front of the washer if not sounds like it could be outlet pipe.
catrodney.Posted by Neil (wylie), 1 January 2004
Hi catrodney,
Yes there is a filter bottom right I have cleaned that out. it was bogging!!
Which is what made me think the problem may be with the internal pipes and stuff, and thats what got me wondering if the dishwasher tablet may be some help in cleaning the insides.
NeilPosted by catrodney (catrodney), 1 January 2004
now that you have cleared once,from past experience i recomend that you carryout two washes then check filter again as there proberly a backlog of fluff and debris and hopefully this will solve your problem.
catrodney.Posted by sharon (sharon), 8 January 2004
dont know if this will help but on chanel 4 how clean is your home i think i saw one of the ladies put machine through a wash cycle with white vinegar
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