Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
£5500 on Thomsons AD Posted by Scots_cleaner (Scots_cleaner), 19 February 2004
Hi Chaps,
Ive just had the Thomsons Rep round and ive increasred my advert to 3/4 page and im going in the Dundee book also.(5500.00 Inc Vat)
Just wondered what you lot spend on Advertising in a year or is that to a personal Question.
I also spend arond £40.00 a week on the local free paper and £800.00 per year on yell.
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 19 February 2004
£5000 on leaflets
£300 on Y/P
£300 on reminder postcards
£200 on direct sales letters.
MikePosted by Phil_@_Deep_Clean (Phil_@_Deep_Clean), 19 February 2004
What has been your response in Thomsons previously to want to spend that kind of money.
What did you have last year (size,colour etc etc) and what kind of reponse did you get.
Can you let me have an answer quickly cause the Rep is phoning me tommorow for a decision and I am still undecided.
PhilPosted by chris_rushton (Chris_R), 19 February 2004
If you read previous postings on this forum you will see that Thomsons is not thought of very highly! The general feeling is that its a waste of money, although some areas will be better than others. Keep a computer data base of previous customers, mail them every few months with info and offers, 100 times better response / profit than Thomsons!Posted by squeaky (squeaky), 20 February 2004
I have aired my thoughts on Thompsons in past posts,and I will do it again!
Ispent about £1000 one year on a Thompsons add,we always ask anyone that contacts us about carpet cleaning 'where did they get our number ' in that year we had about 2 enquiries from Thompsons, the following year when the rep called I told him that I was not interested and why , he said that it was because the advert was too small and talked me into a half page,well would you believe it ,The response was even worse.
End of Thompsons for me.
yellow pages
With yellow pages I have come to the conclusion that it is a total waste of money advertising big.
I have had 1/4 page adverts in the past but now get just as much response from a much smaller advert
I think that people tend to go for the nearest when scouring through the yellow pages and as long as the ad shows what you can do you will get the calls.
Normal phone book
Now this does work for me the adverts are 1/3 of the price of yellow pages and the phone book now has a yellow pages section in the front of it which is also very cheap to advertist in.
Of course just because this works for me in Devon it does not mean that it would work for CC elseware.
Mark Posted by Scots_cleaner (Scots_cleaner), 20 February 2004
Phil ive sent you a PM
Still time to cancel order!
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