Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Posted by Drytech (Steve_B), 13 February 2004
Has anyone used the marketing material from such places as CleaningSuccess.Com. If so, any good?
seems a lot of money but would it give us newbies a helping hand? or a hole in the wallet 
Posted by strakercleaning (strakercleaning), 13 February 2004
If i was better at writing than carpet cleaning ...which would i do for a living
Those can can clean CLEAN, those that cant WRITE ABOUT IT 
Go on courses, courses, courses......do NOT read get rich quick books 
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 13 February 2004
seems much like the 'Fastrack' system from Alltec.
Theres's never anything new in these systems, they're all simply different versions of the same principals. I didn't get to the price bit but I'm sure you could get the same information considerably cheaper from the right selection of good books!
Did anyone get to the price before they fell asleep?
Posted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 13 February 2004
Lot of good reading in books but takes a long time to get the knowledge and then remembering what from where!
Buying a good marketing system will give it you all in one go so you can start toearn from the day you start but it comes at a cost.
Posted by Ivar_Haglund (Ivar_Haglund), 13 February 2004
Buy some of Dan kennedy books
This is where Jop Polish and the rest get their ideas and then resell to cleaners at a higher cost.
Posted by Ultraclean_Systems (Dave Ingram), 13 February 2004
Ivar's telling the truth!!
Here in the Midlands we have a saying "If you don't ask you don't get"
Ever thought of getting off your arse's and asking around who might like their carpets cleaning?
They want beat a path to your door you know.
They are English and need asking, a bit like YOU!!!
Posted by Ivar_Haglund (Ivar_Haglund), 14 February 2004
hei Dave
works the same with Norwegians too
Get your carpets cleaned and a FREE LUTE FISK DINNER
I wonder if free Hagus deal would work in England?

Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 14 February 2004
I think a lot of people are using parts of the JP system
With the advent of the internet yellow pages they are able to find out part of what other cleaners do.
ie Customer Awareness message.
Most Thorough Clean
Web Sites
Van Signage
I could go on but do not want to get into trouble
If you are thinking of buying into a marketing system you have to be reasonably comfortable with what you are asked to do.
For example If you are just starting in Carpet Cleaning are you happy to go into a carpet shop and ask the retailer to reccomend you to his clients.
Bearing in mind you have cleaned very few carpets.
Are you happy to go door knocking.
Ive picked on these two as they are well known start up methods.
However are you capable of producing your own leaflets without insperation. do you know what to say? Have you been trained in copywriting DeskTop Publishing.
Can you write your own Sales Letters.
Marketing Systems provide all this.
Ive picked on these two as they are well known start up methods.
One of my biggest regrets was not spending £50 on a letter collection published by David Wilks of Ashleys in Huddersfield.
I thought it expensive at the time but compared with other marketing info available it was a reasonable price.
Could someone tel me some Dan Kennedy tittles that they reccomend as I do not have any of his books in my motovational collection
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 14 February 2004

Hi Ian
Re Dan Kennedy
The ultimate sales letter 2nd edition
Here’s a couple more
1.How I raised myself from failure to success in selling by Frank better
2.Endless referrals by Bob Burg.
Posted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 14 February 2004
I Got David Wilkes 'Letter Collection' if you want to buy it Ian, make me an offer.
Posted by squeaky (squeaky), 15 February 2004
I would think that any CC wannabees could get most of the information that they need by asking for it on this site , at least they will be getting info from people that have the experience (theory and practice) and also have experienced the whole marketing do's and don'ts thing.To me marketing is the biggest part of the job but it does get easier as referrals kick in which takes the panic out of it.
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