General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Acoustic/suspended ceiling cleaning?Posted by Brook (Brook), 11 November 2003
Hi all,
Can anyone give me any advice on acoustic ceiling chemical cleaning, ie,
have you tried it?
is it a viable business?
is it as straightforward as it seems?
Any advice would be appreciated,
Paul.Posted by Brook (Brook), 13 November 2003
Hello! Anyone there?
Has nobody here got any knowledge of this subject?Posted by petra (petra), 13 November 2003
looks like we could all do with advice on this
petraPosted by Fox (Fox), 13 November 2003
Yes difficult one! Acoustic tiles are made to absorb sound and give a pleasant look. However this means they also absorb all sorts of dirt, nicotine is the worst!
Once badly stained these are very difficult to clean, there are chemicals out there but not sure how effective they would be.
These tiles cannot just be painted either as it can effect fire regs.
There are companies out there that you could prob sub contract to, I believe they spray them with a special coating and then seal.
I had a client with this type of ceiling in a smoke room! After looking at the options I decided to stay well away and told him to contact a specialist.
I am glad I did as I have been in some buildings where people have tried to clean these and they looked like the dirt had been swished all over!
Don't know if this is of any help but seeing as noone else has answered!
FoxPosted by Mr._One_Step (Steve Carpenter), 13 November 2003
You could try One Step Ceiling and Wall Cleaner. As you spray the product via an electric or pump-up pressure sprayer fitted with a ceiling extension lance, it releases residues from soiling and nicotine. Some of the soil is released whilst most is absorbed by the porosity of the tile. The tile is returned to its original colour almost instantly. To clean the metal support frame its necessary to use an Unger T-bar with sleeve moistened with diluted One Step, then rinse the sleeve in fresh water and repeat. On suspended metal ceiling tiles this method also applies.
Always vacuum ceiling vents and light fittings to remove dust before spraying and mask the light fittings.
Always cover desks and electrical equipment. If a ceiling tile has rust stains from leaking roofs then treat with a rust removal product. If the tile is badly blown or water damaged then they need replacing. A video available from Amtech UK, the UK distributor of One Step show’s the procedure.
Alternative products are available but they are hydrogen peroxide based and as mentioned specialist companies will offer to re-coat the surface.
Steve CarpenterPosted by David_Lang (David_Lang), 13 November 2003
Usual mehod is to spray what is effectively a bleach solution onto the tile. This removes the colour of the stain/dirt and the tile absorbs it.
Specialist chemicals, pre mixed prior to application. Try Ashbys in Dartford Kent.
DavePosted by MB (Mark Betts), 16 November 2003
Are u still associated with Amtech/
If so could u get them to send us the vidoe or details on it?
Mark by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 18 November 2003
The next question is how much to charge.Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 20 November 2003
Thanks Steve
Video arived this morning.
Ok, so how much do you recommend charging per sq mt etc etc
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