Starting a window cleaning business - Equipment you need, suppliers to use and trade organisations to join, etc.
start up kit
Posted by taffy_2 (taffy_2), 22 January 2004
what kit do you need to start a window cleaning buisness i.e size of squeeges size of mops etc etc
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 22 January 2004
Hi Taffy
Welcome to the Forum 
If you take a look through the previous posts in this section you should find all the information you are looking for.
Posted by pdhanson (Silly Philly), 23 January 2004
Until recently, I'd have said that minimum start up kit would consist of the following:
2 Section Alloy Ladders (~3.5m unextended) £120
Bucket £2.00
Applicator & T-Bar £15
14" Squeegee £15
4 Scrims £14
2 Pouches £11
Scraper £4
Any old Belt £2
Roof rack & straps if you have a car or van £80
Insurance Policy £110
Thats about £374
If I was starting now, I'd hesitate to get all that, instead of jumping in with that stuff I'd consider putting the money towards a pole system.
Posted by matt (matt), 23 January 2004
2 Section Alloy Ladders (~3.5m unextended) £120
50 quid from wicks, lets face it, we only go up to the bottom of the first floor window, so you dont need a TRADE ladder
Posted by pdhanson (Silly Philly), 23 January 2004
I started off with exactly those ladders from wickes! They're like an old friend. (Though they cost me £55, not £50)
I needed 3 section though, so I thought I might as well make the switch to trade as you dont get 3 sec domestic.
The 2 sections trade are about 10Kg heavier than domestic, takes some getting used to.
Some insurance companies can get funny if you dont use trade duty, but I did perfectly well with domestic for months.
Posted by matt (matt), 23 January 2004
my local wicks have the for 50 quid, as i priced a pair up for a mate who is thinking of working 1 day a week
Posted by freegarda (freegarda), 26 January 2004
Try screwfix http://www.screwfix.com/app/sfd/cat/cat.jsp?cId=101557&ts=26318 they do trade ladders starting from £70 up, cheapest ive seen
Posted by catrodney (catrodney), 26 January 2004
ladders for fifty quid .!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would recommend that you check the ratings on the ladder, if it says domestic then thats what its for,dont want to sound negative
but if you use the above you will find that you will have no insurance cover or public liability cover as they will be classed void.
The reason i know this is a friend of mine fell of a ladder he was using in 1987 sadly died from his injuries employer was sued for inadaquate materials no insurance and was charged with death by wilful neglete in which he was fined heavely also got an 18 month suspended sentence.
so please check the ratings they are put on for a reason
Posted by pdhanson (Silly Philly), 26 January 2004
That's fair comment.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend.
When you hear things like this it brings to mind just how dangerous window cleaning (with ladders) actually is.
Posted by fez (fez), 26 January 2004
If you buy a decent ladder (not DIY!!
), you'll feel more confident in your work and you'll clean faster.
Faster cleaning = more money!! Don't be a skinflint - it doesn't pay off in the end! 
Posted by g_griffin (g_griffin), 26 January 2004
You`re right it doesn`t pay off.
Trade will last a lot longer so you don`t save anything and you will be better off( financially and safety wise) long term.
Posted by stevekennedy (stevekennedy), 26 January 2004
If you do get the cheaper ladder, make sure you write a risk assesment to explain that, due to the nature of your work, (ie you need to reposition/carry the ladder about 200 times a day!), you are using the lighter duty. You should also keep a daily register and sign it every day to prove you have checked the ladder for defects because the HSE reckons that domestic ladders are more prone to wear out. Then if the something happens, your insurance company will be more likely to pay up.
.... or you could just buy a trade ladder 
Posted by fez (fez), 26 January 2004
For the sake of a hundred quid, you're much better off with a trade ladder. I've got one - but I wish that I'd bought a double pointer! 
Maybe in the summer..................!
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