Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
Your favourite jobPosted by Majestic (Majestic), 17 September 2003
Do you have a job that you look forward to going to clean.
I clean the Mount apartments (on 3 floors) above a pub on the sea front , its a old building with owners to match , one lady who lives on the top floor spoils me when I go tea toast in the winter, cold drinksand cake in the summer anyway the view from her flat is great it over looks the sea, lots of boats , and she can tell some great storys about when she was a girl. Posted by Terry_Burrows (Terry_Burrows), 18 September 2003
well I did have,I have just finished with a contractor!
who I thought best leave that lot alone!
our fav job was no less then,Graham Norton the man himself!not his home but his offices on the southbank!every month we get to se his props you know what I mean!blow up this blow that,big ones small ones,it was funny just looking around,sadly we dont clean there now,Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 18 September 2003
Does anyone else clean for the rich or famous.
I clean windows in the same street that the little one from Little and Large lives, he always says good morning to me but I never recognised him .I asked a customer who he was and she told me his name , he looks even smaller in real life Posted by Terry_Burrows (Terry_Burrows), 18 September 2003
I must say years ago I did clean the windows of Benny Hill! some one said to me he lives there,queen anns gate!I said yer right! 9 am he comes out with a shopping bag,jumps a cab,his room was very basic,
what a funny guy! god bless him!
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