Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Posted by rob_s (rob_s), 30 January 2004
Had four editions of this magazine in 1997 by turner publications,very informative,where has it gone ?Any ideas.
Posted by rob_s (rob_s), 30 January 2004
The cleanitup god has an article in all four editions,nice picture.
Posted by Fintan_Coll (Fintan_Coll), 30 January 2004
Was that the Australian guy?. Often wondered too where he went.
Posted by chris_rushton (Chris_R), 30 January 2004
It didnt work out for him in the Uk. Mag went subscription only- I paid £50- he did a runner- no more mags. Lot of carpet cleaners in the UK would like a "word" with him!
Posted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 30 January 2004
He rented an office from Nu Life carpet care in Stockport and forgot to pay them as well
Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 31 January 2004
Hi Guys
That's the fella....John Turner
He came over from Oz to save us all from dirty carpets.
Had some good ideas his magazine being one of them and Yes, he did vanish without trace.
Shaun I believe you are right about him not paying his rent, there are a few other people I could name who he didn't pay either..
He produced a book on carpet cleaning which wasn't bad... I wonder if it will appear on Antiques Roadshow in time?
My copy might be worth a bob or three in time 
Posted by Col_in_Oz (Col_in_Oz), 31 January 2004
The "Carpet Cleaner" mag was a revelation in Australia, especially for far flung CCs like me who live 1500kms (1000 miles)
from the nearest supplier. New products, tech articles, company profiles & yes I bought the Carpet Cleaners Handbook which was a great help before any training was available to the masses.
The mag changed hands & became Cleaning today & was no longer dedicated solely to CCing. That mag folded too leaving some unhappy subscribers 
I don't know about the UK but I'm certain that Australia could now support a dedicated mag.
I found this web site which has been sitting unfinished for a long while http://www.cleanbiz.com.au & dug up a ph number hoping to find out what he was up to now, but it rings out.
Col F
Posted by allencarpetclean (allencarpetclean), 1 February 2004
Did me for 50 quid aswell.
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