General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
window cleaningor genral cleaning or carpetsPosted by peewa (peewa), 2 October 2003
i have been considering going self employed for a while but can,t make my mind which one of these to chose any advice would be welcome
thanks neil ps love the site your all very helpfull Posted by A_to_Z_Clean (A_to_Z_Clean), 2 October 2003
First try to look on
- how much money and time you are ready to inwest?
-how you gona get customers
- define market( age, salary ,location itp)
- marketing strategies
And a much more
AtoZ CleanPosted by martin_606 (martin_606), 2 October 2003
Why not all of them!
start with genral cleaning which can incorporate windows and then take a carpet cleaning course and then incorporate that into your business.
Hope that helps
martinPosted by peewa (peewa), 2 October 2003
Thanks martain sounds like good advice and is the kind of way i,d like to startPosted by Clean_Waterless (Clean_Waterless), 13 October 2003
Hi Peewa
I represent the Waterless Car Cleaning Company & we are looking for Affiliates to start thier own business. It is a luctative business and a unique way of valeting.
If you are interested log on to or mail me at
I wish you all the best for your search.
Gary Mansfield
The Waterless Car Cleaning Company Ltd.
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