Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
hands on experience
Posted by UNIQUE_FLOORING (UNIQUE_FLOORING), 3 February 2004
was just wondering if anyone out there would be interested in letting me come out with them for a short period of time just to let me get an idea of what is involved.
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 3 February 2004
Hi unique
If you were local to me not a problem, but I would teach you the fundamentals but never let you clean a carpet unless you were fully trained (not by me I add)
Posted by UNIQUE_FLOORING (UNIQUE_FLOORING), 3 February 2004
yeah thats all i am looking for just so i can get a feel for the business and find out if i really want to invest money into setting up.
Posted by ALEXDH (ALEXDH), 3 February 2004
You are lucky if you can find the time this month there is a lot of good courses on.
Im on the Alltec hands on course myself tommorrow
£75 quid not including the dreaded.
I believe there are courses at NCCA this month also an IICRC one at alltec thats a bit more theory though i think. You need to get a wand in your hand mate to start with.
I'll report back tommorow night about the Hands on Course.
Posted by UNIQUE_FLOORING (UNIQUE_FLOORING), 3 February 2004
thanks all
Posted by UNIQUE_FLOORING (UNIQUE_FLOORING), 3 February 2004
i cant believe i am offering to work for someone for free and hand so little response 
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 3 February 2004
Hi unique
They probable think you’re a wind up give your full and correct details then some one may take you seriously.
Posted by Ultraclean_Systems (Dave Ingram), 3 February 2004
Why not wait till March the 1st and come along to the Sunny Day out in Leyland, why work for nought when you can try any machine from a Boneting system to the full blown state of the art Truck Mount steam cleaning system.
Posted by UNIQUE_FLOORING (UNIQUE_FLOORING), 3 February 2004
thanks for the advice dave i may well do that but while i am waiting for that i would like to gain as much experience as possible.
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 3 February 2004

Hi unique
Check the forum profiles to see whom in your area, and then contact them all they can say is NO. But saying that you must of used a sub to clean carpets why not contact them!
Posted by UNIQUE_FLOORING (UNIQUE_FLOORING), 3 February 2004
i will be honest dave the company i normally use i dont think thay would be to happy me starting to do this and poss taking business away from them.
Posted by rob_s (rob_s), 3 February 2004
Why not visit W.E.frankiln's cleaning centre. ring mike frakling on 0114-268-616.
I did this and they showed me round the factory, where clean carpets, oriental rugs and suites.
I also went off site with one of their operatives, for half a day.
They were introducing me to there easi-step chemical range, which is one off the micro splitters.
Hope that this has been some help.
Regards Rob_s
Posted by UNIQUE_FLOORING (UNIQUE_FLOORING), 3 February 2004
cheers rob will try and give them a call tomorrow.
Posted by rob_s (rob_s), 3 February 2004
Its rob_s again the contacts at Franklins are Mike Franklin or Mike Gregory and they are based in sheffield.
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