Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
rental - hirePosted by A_to_Z_Clean (A_to_Z_Clean), 4 November 2003
I'm looking for company in London to rent a carpet cleaning machine.
Any suggestions
AtoZ CLeanPosted by catrodney (catrodney), 4 November 2003
Hi Adam,
HSS hire out extraction machines on long term hire.Posted by Dave_Lee (Dave_Lee), 4 November 2003
They do, however they are built for the hire market and are not professional machines - particularly the tools and chemicals.
Dave.Posted by pre-vac_Nick (pre-vac_Nick), 4 November 2003
hi Teejays in Walton on Thames hire out prochem extraction machines they do a comanche and a steampro the comanche is a top quality machine also they hire out the old prochem A20 dry solvent machine at a reasonable price
Hope this helps
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