Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Local free paper
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 4 March 2004
½ page advert in my local paper this week HWE is out new system in I wont name the company but out of interest does any know of a cleaning solution, which captures dirt and grime to be drawn into a magnetic pad leaving the fibres clean and dry.

Posted by Ken_Wainwright (Ken Wainwright), 4 March 2004
A magnetic pad would only pick up ferous and possibly nickel soil particles, so I suspect that they really mean that the pad is like a "soil magnet". If my logic is correct, then this would be a low moisture bonnet type system with it's inherent advantages and disadvantages.
Safe and happy cleaning
Posted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 4 March 2004
What like a magna dry type of thing, sounds a bit australian to me
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 4 March 2004
I forgot to add the wife showed me the advert and said who are they trying to kid and the only thing she know anything about is shopping at Bluewater and Bond Street.
Ken I know of the low moisture type systems have seen demo’s on them but I’ve never heard these words used or quotation “using ionisation and magnetism pulls the dirt, dust grease etc from your carpets this process leaves your carpets dry, then they say carpets ready to use in 1 hour from completion.

But what made me chuckle more is the pictures one cleaning a chair the machine looks like your new Yamaha t/m the other one is using my pile lifter but best of all is the curtain man clean man look like a dry forger.

Shaun I don’t think it’s an Australian system will find out
Posted by Dave_Lee (Dave_Lee), 4 March 2004
To the point are we talking about a "Stain Busting " thing here, that claim to utilise poitive and negative charged chemicals.
Posted by SMP (SMP), 4 March 2004
I was going to say stain busters - then I read your reply. Could anybody elaborate as to how stainbusters clean?
Posted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 4 March 2004
not dry fusion but stain busters who are also known in oz as magna dry
Posted by Ken_Wainwright (Ken Wainwright), 4 March 2004
If you look on your existing chemical labels and data sheets, or even laundry detergents etc, you will see that all of your surfactants are charged thus: Anionic (negative) Non-Ionic (neutral) or Cationic (positive). These adverts are playing with words trying to make them appear technically advanced whereas they are really only stating the obvious which applies to all detergent solutions.
Safe and happy cleaning
Posted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 4 March 2004
Dave bring those hand tools tomorrow
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 5 March 2004
Hi Dave Smp & Shaun
What I really like about the advert is the dry fogging machine then they quote curtains are dry-cleaned.
Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 5 March 2004
Hi Guys
Magna-Dry and StainBusters are completely different franchise outfits although they use similar equipment.
The Magna-Dry system did originate in Australia and I have a feeling that StainBusters was started by someone who was originally with Magna-Dry
Posted by Jim_Lynch (Jim_Lynch), 5 March 2004
I am unaware of any connection between the two companies. I'm not sure if MagnaDry is still operating here - haven't seen their name around for quite a while.
I see some Stain Busters vans around, but they seem to be a fairly small operation here.
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