Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Marketing day seminars AlltecPosted by ALEXDH (ALEXDH), 5 January 2004
Has anyone visited these days , they are doing them for £37.00 quid.
What sort of things do they cover ,was it worth going?
AlexPosted by MB (Mark Betts), 6 January 2004
Well worth the £37.00 and you get freebies etc etc.
hahahah read the private message i just sent you. I sent you it before reading your post.
Must have read your mind.
When u came up did i lend u the alltec manual??
If not let me know and ya can borrow it.
Its the marketing manual from Alltec and then u can decide if u want to go.
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