General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Job in Guisely? Nr Leeds any takersPosted by houseangels (houseangels), 8 January 2004
I have a client that wants 30 plus houses cleaned in Guiseley Nr Leeds. It's too far for us!!
If anyone is interested give me a call on 01959 535061
07931 329716
House Angels Posted by md_cleaning (md_cleaning), 8 January 2004
What is the time scale involved in this job?
DavePosted by houseangels (houseangels), 8 January 2004
Sorry everybody job now allocated.
House AngelsPosted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 9 January 2004
Just out of interest Terry was it someone from the Forum that got the work?
Mike Posted by houseangels (houseangels), 9 January 2004
Yes the forum has worked wonders on this one and I have hopefully pointed the lucky cleaner in the right direction. Its up to him now!
Thanks again everyone
House Angels
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