Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Herts,Beds,Bucks London Area meeting
Posted by woodman (woodman), 5 January 2004

What is the feed back on this board for a proposed Spring get together/coffee morning for members of cleanitup at a conveniently placed venue ie Hemel Hempstead( easy access for all from motor ways) so we can put faces to names and generally network about cleaning of all sorts,chin wag and maybe even learn a little.
(Agenda to be arranged)
Of course members can come from where ever but as the get to together would probably not last more than say 3-4 hrs it may not be worth while for long journeys.
Give me your views as I am sure we could arrange a few workshops at the same time if the demand is there.
Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 5 January 2004
Good Idea
Posted by lenpg (lenpg), 5 January 2004
Good idea Woodman
I'm up for it
Posted by ALEXDH (ALEXDH), 5 January 2004
If you will let a newby in, Ill come.

Posted by petra (petra), 5 January 2004
how far is this from kent Thanet? I don't have a clue where hemel hemstead is.
Posted by woodman (woodman), 6 January 2004
Hi Petra
HH is in Herts.It is easy from Kent, round M25 up to M1 head north for a couple of miles turn off at HH.
Alex, all welcome even those who haven't started yet be good for them to meet experienced guys and see kit available.
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 6 January 2004
Sounds like a good idea - count me in.
Does anybody know of any cleaning related events that may already be scheduled for that area / time? I don't envy anyone organising such a thing - trying to get firm commitments from a worthwile number of people will be difficult.
Where is the nearest airport? Interclean (Amsterdam) is in April 
Posted by carpetmonsters (carpetmonsters), 6 January 2004
good idea. nice to meet new people,count me in
Posted by pristineclean (pristineclean), 6 January 2004
Great idea
I'd love to meet the people who have helped me this far
Posted by strakercleaning (strakercleaning), 6 January 2004
I am keen
M25 junc 8 is on my doorstep 
Posted by Dave_Parry (Dave Parry), 6 January 2004
Count me in also.
Posted by paul_moss (paul_moss), 6 January 2004
Great Idea
Unfortunatley too far for me in North Wales
Have a good meeting
Posted by lenpg (lenpg), 6 January 2004

Hi Woodman
Mark has a valid point. Getting people to commit is difficult at best, the logistics is enormous, such a meeting will need a venue say Holliday Inn (this costs), you will also need national and local area coordinator ECT.
This is just an idea, I live in North Kent, bordering South East London those who are willing to go could arrange a meeting point and go in one or two vehicles (saving all fuel costs).
This one is for Mark if this meeting materialises will Steve D be going? I owe him a drink (coffee of course)
Posted by Ken_Wainwright (Ken Wainwright), 6 January 2004
Organising a meeting of these types isn't particularly difficult. Last year I organised 2. One NCCA Branch meeting and 1 COSHH & training day in partnership with CleanTalk. I arranged the meetings at my local cricket club. No charge for the premises, but favours are regularly given and taken in our village. They arranged food and drink. Just collect any monies for food etc. in advance (if possible) or have a firm commitment. I think Lee and/or Glynn have arranged similar things up north which have gone down very well. A manufacturer/janitorial supplier in Birmingham has also offered us the use of their training facility for NCCA Branch meetings.
We also have an NCCA Branch meeting later this month in Nottingham.
Safe and happy cleaning
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 6 January 2004
Mike, I was thinking of organising a trip to the ISSA Interclean in Amsterdam. 3 of us went in 02 it was a brilliant event and well worth the trip.
Schippol( hope I spelt that right) is the nearest Airport but we always go across on Hull P & O Northsea ferries, sails at 20.00hrs gets their the next morning with a free shuttle bus to Amsterdam.
you can have a big booze up and gamble on the crossing

I was going to check out some prices of hotels & ferry crossing and post it for anyone thats interested in coming along.
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 7 January 2004
Lenpg - Is that Len 'Saddletank' Gribble by any chance.... 
Mike - I'm sure I'll end up going but will probably fly. We'll have to try and arrange a meeting point!?
Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 7 January 2004
Whose Steve D ??
Posted by woodman (woodman), 7 January 2004
Hi Len
This isn't a conference were organising it's just a get together of like minded people giving a chance to meet up and exchange ideas etc on a fairly local basis.
No need for any major logistical headaches or national coordinator.
We just arrange a venue and thats it!
having said that if there is not enough response then it won't happen , not just yet anyway 
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 7 January 2004

Hi Mike
Yes it is I, in some corners the infamous Len Gribble but that’s sorted now and we get on very well, they now call me Sub mount.
Hi Mark
Sorry I should have typed Mike.
Hi Woodman
Sorry for making a mountain out of a moll hill, all I meant to suggest is that I’m will to share a ride and cost with any one from my area who is willing to go, example Petra who lives in Thanet south Kent.
Hope it gets of the ground exchanging ideas can only benefit all.
Posted by Phil_@_Deep_Clean (Phil_@_Deep_Clean), 9 January 2004
Count me in, Iam only up the road in Stevenage.
Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 9 January 2004
I aint going if Phil The Dill is going,
He pinches everything!!!
Including my arse !!

Posted by Phil_@_Deep_Clean (Phil_@_Deep_Clean), 9 January 2004
Solicitors letter in the post !!! 
An outragous accusation.
Posted by woodman (woodman), 9 January 2004
Sorry Phil Stevenage is far too northern 
Only Joking, Only joking
Before you all start .
If we get a few more then it's likely we can push on a get a firm date and venue.
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 21 January 2004
We have more interest in this from the window cleaning side:
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