Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
Im looking to buy a round!Posted by andy (andy), 8 December 2003
Hey folks!
Im looking to buy a window cleaning round on finance. If anyone knows anyone selling a round/rounds please could you let me know.
andy!Posted by fez (fez), 8 December 2003
You'll have to say where you live or want to work first!
Or are you willing to work anywhere?Posted by Scots_cleaner (Scots_cleaner), 8 December 2003
Mines i white rum and coke
Posted by andy (andy), 9 December 2003
fez! i think you know were i live. we have discussed before about stuff?
anyway. i live in kings cross,london. and i will work anywhere in the country.
I would relocate if needed to make good money.
andy!Posted by g_griffin (g_griffin), 9 December 2003
Hi Andy,
Blimey, you sound desperate! Relocate, I didn`t think window cleaning could get so good.
Sorry I can`t help, I`ve only got badly paid work thats only round the corner, but I don`t like doing it.
Good luck anyway.
Gerry.Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 9 December 2003
Hi Andy
Have you tried going around door knocking , if you only get a couple a day its a start Posted by pdhanson (Silly Philly), 9 December 2003
Hi Andy,
From what I know of London work, you're already in the best place in the country! Anywhere you relocate is likely to be poorer paid.
I agree with majestic, why not canvass a bit yourself? You can go for exactly what you want then, and there is always a shortage of window cleaners. Help with pricing etc is available from this forum.
You might be interested in this: category=2992
silly phillyPosted by andy (andy), 10 December 2003
Thank you for the responses chaps!
but im really looking to buy a round and get someone else to work it and i make the profits.
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