General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Agency Staff?Posted by martin_606 (martin_606), 26 February 2004
Hi guys
This post is a continuation of my 'contract covering' post.
I am thinking of covering the week with staff from an agency (£9.13+VAT pp/ph. £300 for the 7 days)
Has anyone had any experience with staff from an agency?
good or bad?
As the contract is currently in house (living in Etc) I am wondering if it would be cheaper for the contract to be supplied from an outside source.
Thank you for any help given.
Martin Posted by DP (DP), 1 March 2004
Hi Martin
I have had a lot of experience with agency staff both skilled and unskilled, there is no surprises, some are good and some are bad and will need vetting just as you would if you had employed them yourself.
Was there anything in particular?
The up side is that there is at least someone to moan to on the end of a phone and you do get to source some good people with minimal risk ie paye.
Not sure about those costs though, ok if you can still get a return, but don’t expect too much as they will need just the same amount of supervision etc.
DP.Posted by martin_606 (martin_606), 1 March 2004
Thanks DP for that.
They pay the staff about £5.50 and the rest is their fee, at least they've been interviewed etc. It is a bit pricey though as it adds about an extra £100 onto the costs of the quote
Thanks for the reply, didn't think i was going to get one.
Martin Posted by houseangels (House Angels), 4 March 2004
I would not place too much faith in the fact that agency staff have been interviewed.
In my experience they will take anyone on as long as the agency can fill spots and turn over cash that is all they worry about!
Just be careful
TerryPosted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 4 March 2004
My son workd for Employment Agencies during breaks from uni. He reconed most of his workmates were students or have just come out of prison.
Mind you that was two years ago.
I believe they do not speak English. these daysPosted by martin_606 (martin_606), 4 March 2004
Hi guys
Thanks for your replies, looks like the agency route will be out on this contract, their budget is tighter than a gnats chuff!!!
To make a small profit i can only pay about £5 p/h...
Do people still work for that kind of money?
Thanks for all the advice though, always appreciated.
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