Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
Cheap LabourPosted by heritage (heritage), 1 October 2003
Hi all,
I have just taken on a new member of Staff (My Wife)
As she is only 5ft nothing, she has to use a point on all windows above Letter boxes.
Does Anybody else work with their Misses and do you find it hard work
lee Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 1 October 2003
I take my wife everywhere I go then I dont have to kiss her goodbye
Posted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 1 October 2003
Hi heritage
My other half comes out with me sometimes to help with big washdown jobs and cleaning jobs she has just had 51/2 years off now all the kids go to school now it is time for her to earn her keep.
She loves it sorting out some house cleaning jobs for her with elderly people who have been asking me for quite a while now.
Cheers AlanPosted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 1 October 2003
That is excellent majestic
alanPosted by windows_chepstow (windows_chepstow), 8 October 2003
I work with my missis who's also five foot nothing. She's a marathon runner though, so don't feel to sorry for her.
She has a lightweight set of aluminium A Frame ladders she uses for most jobs.
She'll clean a quarter of what I clean, but what she cleans is immaculate.
She's also great at getting the bucket out,sorting clothes and asking for the cash, while I'm finishing off.
Customer feedback is they like seeing a female around. Pensioners feel safer and it gives a good image. Some window cleaners give the impression that they do a shoddy job, purely to get some extra money for drugs! (Well at least one Chepstow Window cleaner does).
After loads of arguments, we've found it works best if she only does 3 days a week. 5 days a week, living, working and socialising together is too much (for us anyway). She gets two days off to do the ironing and general house duties! Means I have to do less as well.
It really works well, especially if you have school age children and no family close by who will look after them during the holidays.
Stress free work!
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