General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Transit Van SecurityPosted by DP (DP), 3 October 2003
Sorry if this is old news, but I’m irritated.
Anyone who is using the new shape Transit vans (not the small ones) should be aware that thieves are breaking into them all over the country due to a design flaw in the locking system of the rear doors.
Now I am aware that all new or recent owners will of had a call back from Fords to have the issue amended, as I did, however after it had just been broken into with over 3k of equipment stolen.
Which explains why there was no damage to the vehicle. Fords have not revealed the exact cause due to obvious reasons, however I have now found out how the thieves are doing it which is extremely easy and fast.
Fords have also stated they will not be held responsible for any goods that may be stolen, and whilst the vehicle was insured for goods in transit, it transpires that our own equipment/tools were not.
The problem is if you have purchased an almost new or second hand new shape Transit you may not be aware of this issue.
If you find yourself with this problem, then get it into a dealer straight away, if you are thinking of buying a second hand one then make sure that the modification has been done (it only takes seconds to break in)
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