General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Telescopic Extension Poles ?
Posted by kb58 (keith b), 31 January 2004
Can anyone tell me where i can get a Telescopic Extension Pole to reach & clean guttering from ground level using a pressure washer?.
I think they have a (vario) pressure control handle built in to pole? or have i got that wrong?.
Also do they have attachments to go with it to clean conservatory roofs?. 
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 31 January 2004
Hi Keith
I would put this question on the window cleaning section as well. You may get more replies 
Posted by Old_Master (Old_Master), 1 February 2004
Please see our website www.omnipole.com and click on powerpole we build a high pressure guttercleaner/ we also do a support pole to enable two men operate the pole
Glyn -Omnipole
Posted by Diamond_Vision (Jeff Brimble), 1 February 2004
I have tried DIY using an unger pole and a drain snake the higher you go the more the pole snakes about and you need a wet suit and to clean the whole facade below the gutter. And a video camera on the pole to see what your doing. But it can be made to work.
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