Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Hot chocolate stainPosted by catrodney (catrodney), 12 February 2004
Went to a house to quote to carryout carpet clean today,on first inspection noticed a large round stain !!! The lady of the house said that her son had spilt Hot chocolate with squirty cream about a year ago and that she had hired a machine from a well known store and cleaned the carpet ,However the stain has re-appeared,i think i was right in explaining about wick back,what is the best course of action,is it to late to treat,it is a 80/20 any help appreciated,by the way stain is unfortunatly in middle of room 12inc circumferance.
Tim.Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 13 February 2004
Hi Tim
I hope that you received my e-mail... the PC is running slow today and shut down on me whilst posting
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