General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Cleaning Hydrocarbons oils/diesel/fats/Grease?Posted by Darren_Sharpe (Darren_Sharpe), 3 February 2004
Hydrocarbon cleaning can be difficult if you are dealing with things like oils, diesel, petrol, grease, and fats on surfaces like concrete, metal, clothing, duct work, carpets, flooring, vehicles, plant, brick, glass, wood and machinery
Contact Soil and Water Environmental Solutions to see how bioremediation technology can help quickly remove and breakdown these harmful contaminints in an environmentally friendly manner.
Totally Organic cleaning and degreasing.
No Chemicals, No Solvents, Non Toxic and Non Hazardous.
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