Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
Help again "please"Posted by Bones (Bones), 4 October 2003
Hi, the windows are going great, rollin in thick and fast, i must say thanks to you guy's once again,
Now, I have been asked to do a few facias on houses and today done the first one, I did not know what the hell to expect and found it pretty good going until,.... i had a lean-to and a conservatory to overcome! well, what a nightmare! What i am asking is for any tips on this, and what to use cleaning wise stiff poles, chemicals, etc.
The thing is, the neighbours either side of the house want it doing now!! (must not complain though)
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 4 October 2003
Hi Bones,
Glad to see business is going well. I just use extension poles for things like this but tell the customer that i have done the best i can with not being able to get a ladder up their.
Hope this helps
Steve LowePosted by Bones (Bones), 4 October 2003
yes mate, thanks. It is what i told the lady today and she was well chuffed with the result, but me being me i feel it beat me in a couple of areas but nevermind i can only do what i can do.
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