Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
NEW CHAMMIE - SMUDGESPosted by jonnyboy (jonnyboy), 11 February 2004
Just started using new chammy, however leaving a lot of smears and smudges on glass(using after squeegee). Does anybody know why this is and what I can do to stop it ? Are you meant to soak them or something first ? Know a lot of you guys don't use these but any tips would be appreciated. Posted by woods_windows (woods_windows), 11 February 2004
i only use my leather on leaded glass or small windows eg.doors and things but strait after i use a dry scrim to dry off i think to use just a shammy i think you need it not to wet but not to dry just moist..worth a try anywayPosted by simonb (simonb), 12 February 2004
Shammies are history.
Use a scrim it is much more absorbentPosted by windogleam (windogleam), 15 February 2004
on 02/11/04 at 21:09:04, woods_windows wrote:i only use my leather on leaded glass or small windows eg.doors and things but strait after i use a dry scrim to dry off i think to use just a shammy i think you need it not to wet but not to dry just moist..worth a try anyway Posted by windogleam (windogleam), 15 February 2004
throw the new shammie in the washer on a long cold wash then it,ll be ready for work Posted by mark_binnie (windowman), 21 February 2004
Put chammie in a bucket and blast it with a pressure washer. best used damp. Get a scrim much better, only use chammie on leaded windows
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