Starting a window cleaning business - Equipment you need, suppliers to use and trade organisations to join, etc.
Business for sale!
Posted by andy (andy), 29 January 2004
I have a window cleaning business for sale in Norwich (Norfolk). THIS ROUND IS SELLING FOR £1750.
100 customers, monthly turnover is roughly £520, all customers are fresh. (brand new customers) equipment supplyed except ladders.
Work can be done in 4 x 9 hour days.
I will take you and introduce you as the new window cleaner.
I will supply some training if your are fresh to this industry.
if you like whats on offer then please send me a personal message and leav your contact info
Posted by samm (samm), 30 January 2004
I copied this below from 1 of andys earlier posts;
"[/i]I am a city sliker, i come from las vegas.
And the reason why i would like to buy rounds around the country because i want to control the window cleaning business in the uk.
on a basic note:- i want all the work in the uk, im only here to do business and i havent come to this site to make friends.
Now that i have come to this site i know the calibra of people who in this line of business in the uk.
So dont know why he's selling work if he wants every window cleaning job in uk 
Posted by Neil (wylie), 30 January 2004
Very fishy
Hello peeps!
Im going to start off from scratch to run a window cleaning business. I have all the equipment but no customers as yet!
Can anyone tell me where is a good place to get customers in london?
I live in WC2 (kings cross) its very central.
Is it a good idea to try and find new houses just built and home owners currently moving in.
I would appreciate any advice on how, when, where to go canvassing for customers!!!
cheers! Andy. SEP 03
To selling rounds in
and Central London in 4 months.
I guess I must be doing something wrong 
Posted by g_griffin (g_griffin), 30 January 2004
He`s having a giraffe.
Posted by andy (andy), 31 January 2004
Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 31 January 2004
If you have got all that work in just a couple of months well done mate 
Posted by Terry_Burrows (Terry_Burrows), 31 January 2004

Fink someones just bin sussed

dont often get jet setter winda cleaners,do you

Posted by Neil (wylie), 31 January 2004
When you post on here you make it our business 
Posted by andy (andy), 1 February 2004
OK, willy. but im asking you nicley to stay out of my business affais.
Posted by john_archer (john_archer), 3 February 2004
work can be done in 4x9 hour days eh!
hard cleaning domestic work in the dark Andy old lad.
Posted by stevekennedy (stevekennedy), 4 February 2004
Sounds like Andy is is the business of canvassing, not window cleaning 
Perhaps he is providing a service to people who can't be bothered to canvass 
One thing for any potential buyer to keep in mind. I've often found that new customers can be quite fickle. They've just got the new house. New window cleaner seems like a good idea. Once the first few mortgage payments come in, they're looking to economise. Guess which bill is first to go? You guessed it 
Different with an established round where the customers have had a window cleaner for many years. Such a round would be worth much more than a brand new round.
Don't know if any others would agree or have had same experiences 
Posted by g_griffin (g_griffin), 4 February 2004
Yes I agree that you are paying for the canvassing and it`s not cheap either.
I`ve also had a few problems when taking on new rounds and know what you mean.
Posted by gibbouk (gibbouk), 4 February 2004
this one is in my area, sorry but to much money for whats on offer would take a week of canvessing to get that i know these areas well and one has lots of boys working there
Posted by mickeyfat (VGC), 5 February 2004
round for sale..plymouth about £2000 monthly...takes about 7-9 days email me for further info
Posted by mogs (mogs), 5 February 2004
u mad.... i bought 350 houses, done once a month for the messly value of 1500. it was worth 2000 & thts only till i get the prices up!!
didnt i do well...... lamo
Posted by mickeyfat (VGC), 5 February 2004
£2000 in 2 weeks cant be bad can it? £1000 a week!!
Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 5 February 2004
£200 a day if you only work 5 days 
Posted by mickeyfat (VGC), 5 February 2004
and ...........?

im a bit thick tonight 
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