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Doorhanger-do they work???Posted by A_to_Z_Clean (A_to_Z_Clean), 1 November 2003
Hi All,
Does anyone know if doorhangers work I'm thinking to do them insted of flayers
Any one
AtoZ CleanPosted by DP (DP), 2 November 2003
Umm, whats "Doorhangers"? I think I can guess but not sure.
No this is not a cultural thing again, Im really not sure
and as nobody else has answered, I might not be the only one hopefully. Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 3 November 2003
They cost 4 times as much to print so are not cost effective, they may work better but when you do the figures for the price of putting out 5,000 you could put out 15,000 leaflets, which do you think would bring in more work? also it would be hard to find some one to put them out.
MikePosted by A_to_Z_Clean (A_to_Z_Clean), 3 November 2003
HI all,
Ok door hangers are type of flayers, but you hang then on doors instead putting them thru letter box.
And Mike, about the costs 10.000 of them will cost 400$( with shipment from US) and 10.000 flayers cost 400£.
I will put them out my self ( i do this with my flayers as well 1500 in 4 hours
Thanks for repllay
I'm trying to find ways to tell customers about the service and every one do flayers, postcards etc. so if you comeback home and find your flor cower with milions of papers how on earth they will see my flayer?
Keep them coming
AtoZ CleanPosted by DP (DP), 3 November 2003
Many thanks for that, I’m now better advised
So it’s like a flyer that you don’t stuff through letter boxes you hang on the door (hence the name, which was the bit I was guessing).
Is there any other benefit to these other then not getting mixed up with others on the door mat (which is an issue, I would agree)?
I also agree that benefit should exceed cost, so why are they that much more expensive then normal flyers, (although I understand Adam that you have located a cheaper source in the US). Is it because they are like card or glossy or something?
Not sure I would like them on my front door; I get irritated by the flyers left on my windscreen of the car.
As you are going international for your material, can I suggest India which is the cheapest place on the planet that I know of at the mo and a lot cheaper then the US on delivery.
e.g.: I made a number of enquiries regarding a full colour pouch type folder, 3 UK quotes came back all around the £6-7K . India came back with £1,600 delivered.Posted by petra (petra), 3 November 2003
All well and good buying from the US, but have they told u about delivery time (ok may not be relevant) but if your like me and like to get cracking on a good idea do you realy want to wait three yes three week for delivery...I know this only cause I bought my husband a fish finder (don't ask) payed for 2 day delivery and then once I'd paid and they shipped and no fish finder, and phone call to US to be told three weeks.
Yes bad day today monday blues and all that, but it will all come out in the wash...
PetraPosted by A_to_Z_Clean (A_to_Z_Clean), 4 November 2003
DP can i have contact on your Indian source
my e-mail is
The door hangers look nice( like on hotel doors) and they will be hang just before people going back home so it is very good chance to see them.
US i know time cane be long but i maybe it is a good shot ( Petra-I will not order 10.000 fish finders
)I know my english sence of humor is improving
AtoZ CleanPosted by petra (petra), 4 November 2003
I still can't belive i order one but it is a to be a bit generouse at times....Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 4 November 2003
I am puzzled why you pay £400 for 10000 flyers
Look on by A_to_Z_Clean (A_to_Z_Clean), 6 November 2003
price 400£
Flayer size A6, paper 280Gr with shine, 2 sides print, 1color paper.And i done this in London( i know my lesson, for last flayers i cut the costs by 45%
AtoZ CleanPosted by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 12 November 2003
were your flyers successful.
ie how much business did you get.
one off on going lifetime value etcPosted by Fintan_Coll (Fintan_Coll), 12 November 2003
In the USA it is illegal to put flyers in a letterbox, only US mail may do this, that is why doorhangers are used becuse apparently it is not illegal to hang them on a door handle. Use leaflets if you can.
FintanPosted by petra (petra), 13 November 2003
What about Pens or my Husband pin's my bussiness card up when he visits places with notice boards, no he does not ask for permisson...I walk into a dentist surgery the other week to find my card on the wall.
PetraPosted by A_to_Z_Clean (A_to_Z_Clean), 13 November 2003
Hi all
Hmmm.... Flayers success rate.....It is very difficult to say because customer respond can be very long or very short in time ( I have customers after 1 hour and after 3 month after putting flayers)
But normally I can say you will get 1-3 per cent response form flayers.
I have 2 sides, 1 is domestic, and second one is 1 off only.
Thank for info on US flayers.
AtoZ Clean
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