General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Getting the business !!!!!Posted by pal (pal), 9 March 2004
In the short time i've been in the business i still can't fathom out client's when quoting.Some are nice as pie, and others are real hard work when it comes to finding out what they expect from a service. In contrast some clients expect you to tell them whats needed and the best way to go about it, while others will dictate specification,service and price.It seems to me you never can tell what youre walking into and the best approach.I would like to hear how everyone else deals with clients on first meeting,After all they say first impressions last.Any comments would be appreciated in helping me get the business and the best methods. Posted by WavieDavie (WavieDavie), 10 March 2004
About 25 years ago, I had to read "Games People Play" (remember the song?) and "I'm OK You're OK" They've probably been overtaken or rewritten since then, but they'll certainly help you to try and figure out what others are thinking/getting up to.
I'm OK should give you enough information to be able to "classify" people into one of three modes within the first ten seconds of meeting them.
Read - enjoy!Posted by pal (pal), 10 March 2004
Thank you WavieDavie i will give that ago,I take it you don't experience this sort of problem still! Posted by WavieDavie (WavieDavie), 10 March 2004
I take it you don't experience this sort of problem still!
Still get the problems, but now I know how they're caused!
I'm sure you'll find them on amazon, I'm OK You're OK has a section on TA, or Transactional Analysis. Now that sounds very deep, but it simply means that you analyse what happens in a transaction between two people. Each of them can be in one of three behaviour modes/moods, Parent, Adult, or Child, and knowing how to react to each is explained.
Hmm, I think this is starting to become definitely off-topic for window cleaning boards - you're better off reading the books. As it's title suggests, Games People Play is all about identifying what games people are playing - with both themselves and the others in their lives. Ever heard anyone say "Look what you made me do!" when it was their fault all along? "It's my ball, and I'm going home!" when the game isn't going their way. You get the picture, I'm sure.
Other good books I read around the same time were by Desmond Morris - Naked Ape, Manwatching/Bodywatching?, and I think one was called Human Zoo. Body language is amazing, you'll never look at others the same (old) way again. If some of the young (single) whippersnappers on the board get into these books they could clear up at the dancing Posted by Terry_Burrows (Terry_Burrows), 10 March 2004
I can sum up some people,nice very 2 faced and its all about the money! Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 10 March 2004
I have been in Direct Sales for about 13 years, as opposed to Retail 20 years.
I can tell within 30 secs if the customer is going to buy from me.
When I have been wrong and they did buy they can turn into a nightmare customer.
You see the Chemistry has got to be right for the deal to work in harmonyPosted by pal (pal), 11 March 2004
Thanks Ian, I could sure do with some tips! have you got any you could mail to me!!!Posted by WavieDavie (WavieDavie), 11 March 2004
How about trying your local Business Gateway or Chamber of Commerce and ask about courses on Selling Skills. If you say you're a small business looking for help they'll welcome you with open arms, I'm sure. And you'll probably get the course for free.
Did you know that no salesman sells his product - he sells himself first. Back to the time of these books I was telling you about, that was when smoking wasn't seen as too anti-social, and an exercise I had to do was to sell an ashtray to someone who didn't smoke - and I did too, but I think I'd be hard pushed these days!!Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 16 March 2004
Ive been dealing with the public all my life so I guess its instink. When people give me scripts planned selling stuctures I just cant hack it.
Humour helps.
But as has just been said people buy from people they like.
When I first started in retailing I got really jelous of those smooth reps not a hair out of place who used to come in and chat up the young female buyers.
At that time in the dark ages there were not many female reps.
Before I ramble on
You do need to know structures Richard Dent Close That Sale. available in Waterstones.
Tom Hopkins
Zig Ziglar Tom Fenton Mike Le Punt Dale Canigee Napoleon Hill Anthony Robbins
All Gods of the selling and motivation business.
Read one a month
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