Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Posted by nordan (nordan), 10 March 2004
hi i have water make from a dripping rad its left awhite ring on a dark blue carpet can this be removed thanks
Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 10 March 2004
Have you tried just flushing it out?
Posted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 10 March 2004
Is there a textural change where marked?
Posted by bruce_wiles (Bruce Wiles), 18 March 2004
Hi guys 
I have an radiator stain that won't go away too.
The stain is small, about 4 inches, and I'm told it has to have been there for ages. The carpet appears bleached to look at it.
I think that central heating systems sometimes have chemicals added to the water to prevent corrosion in the pipes.
I told the client the stain cannot be removed, am I right.
Posted by Dave_Parry (Dave Parry), 18 March 2004
Not only chemicals but metals also, copper and iron plus others.
If fresh maybe, but unlikely to get out completely, if old no chance, don't think even solutions nick can solve this one.
Posted by Cloverleaf (Cloverleaf), 18 March 2004
I recently removed a radiator leak (but dark in colour)
with Prochem rust remover.
Hope this helps.
Otherwise a must in your colection of chemicals.
John Milnes
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