Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Steamway International TMPosted by woodman (woodman), 15 January 2004
Met up with a very nervous cleaner today just starting out on his own after working for others in the wonderful world of carpet cleaning, he tells me that after exhaustive research he has just ordered a Truck Mount 9100LX from Alltech for around £16000 on a lease deal.
(same guy I talked about before)
He's looked at most of the others and feels this is the best his words not mine.I don't know alot about steamway so couldn't help.
A lot of money but he feels he can make it pay.
The figure for turnover to warrant such a machine has always been around 35k a year, not a lot nowdays I know but for a new start a big figure to aim for.
Any way I wished him well and told him to get on this site to let others know how he's doing.Posted by strakercleaning (strakercleaning), 15 January 2004
Good luck to the guy and I do hope it goes well for him
We have a lot in wife is GREEDY as well
Posted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 15 January 2004
Wifes aren't greedy some are more expensive to run than others Posted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 15 January 2004
Your good wife bought you a very nice new toy last weekend, didn't she?? she got an expensive husband to keep, now you know where the housekeeping cash goes (back to you).Posted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 15 January 2004
I bought it with my hard earned money, didn't I darling
I forgot to tell you John this morning I went to plug the extention in to the mains at my job and then went out side to the van with the reel.
I think I went into Derek Boltons world, you know where he says he is happiest but I did shut the door when I left!
ShaunPosted by daveatkins (daveatkins), 16 January 2004
Good luck to the guy who bought the 'Steamway TM' maybe he knows something we don't.
All i can say is i wish i'd bought a TM when i first started, i'd have grown my business a lot quicker. Spending £16,000 means you're committed and are going to make it work. If he's dealing with Alltec i'm sure they'll give him all the help he needs.
Talking to martin riley (another very successful carpet cleaner) i would hope that this new guy has also purchased 'Fastrack'
which he will find will help him build his business really quickly.
regards and good luck
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