Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
is a rugdoctor suitable for a nursing home Posted by thegables (thegables), 2 July 2003
can anyone help. i own a nursing home in sussex and i'm sick and tired of buying carpet shampooer after carpet shampooer somebody has recommended that i buy a rugdoctor because they are more reliable than most of the others. does anyone have any experience of themPosted by Muckypup (Muckypup), 25 July 2003
Hi there Ive used a widetrack for a while its really very good - great for rooms etc. go hire one b4 u buy (safeaway etc) - they do a good job and are tough.Posted by Derek (Derek), 2 August 2003
If, as you say, you have used 'shampooer after shampooer' you may have a foam residue problem to contend with. This residue will then be attracting soil and be part of your problem.
Why not contact a Company with a view to purchasing a professional machine that will do the job time and time again. It will probably prove more cost effective in the long term.Posted by woodman (woodman), 4 August 2003
In answer to your question I would have to say No.
You describe having to keep shampooing your carpets I hope this is not the case is all you are doing is making a bad situation worse.The residue left in the carpet will build up attracting more and more dirt.
Are your carpets becoming dirty more frequently?
The Rug Doctor will only add to the situation and you will be blaming the machine.
It sounds to me that your carpets urgently need attention.
Call a reputable local carpet cleaner he will carry out a ph test on your carpets and recommend neutralising to remove any residue left in the carpet BEFORE any further solution cleaning.
Set up a regular clean with them instead off purchasing your own machinery, it will work out cheaper in the long run and your residents will no longer be sticking to the carpets.
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