General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Mat Rental - What to charge?
Posted by heritagecleaning (heritagecleaning), 10 February 2004
Does anyone out there do mat rental? I'm having a hell of a job finding out what the going rates are!
Posted by kcs (Marbles), 10 February 2004
Hi Owen
I am reliably informed by my better half who works in this industry (large national) that for a 4x3 ft no logo mat £2.00/week for a 2 week change.
Anymore info req. just ask!
Posted by heritagecleaning (heritagecleaning), 11 February 2004
Thanks for your reply.
The main sizes I would be looking to supply are:
2.5 x 2, 2.5 x 4, 2.5 x 5, 4 x 6 and 4.5 x 6.5. Or similar.
Looking to do both weekly and fortnightly changes.
Any price info would be worth it's weight in gold at present!
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