General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Where do I find cleaning businesses for sale
Posted by 1st_Choice (1st_Choice), 22 August 2003
Can anyone tell me if they know of any companies that have a list of contract cleaning businesses for sale?? Thanks
Posted by woodman (woodman), 23 August 2003
Go to Daltons Weekly on line they have many.
Also you will find established Franchises for sale a good way to enter the business up and and running.
Of course it's all down to how much capital you have available and if you bank manager is a nice man/woman.
Good Luck
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 26 August 2003
Try Avondale at http://www.avondale-group.co.uk (they tend to get involved in larger contract cleaners)
Posted by Clean_Waterless (Clean_Waterless), 27 August 2003
We are the Waterless Car Cleaning Company and we are looking for people like yourselves to start their own business or expand their existing business with us.
We are the UK master distributors of Waterless valet products.
If you are interested in a low start-up cost business with high returns potential, and instant income in your area, contact us at enquiries@waterlesscarcleaning.com or visit our web site www.waterlesscarcleaning.com
This is not a “Get rich quick” scheme but a serious opportunity.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Gary Mansfield
The Waterless Car Cleaning company Ltd.
Posted by LisaE (LisaE), 28 August 2003
Clean_Waterless, I note your postings about looking for people interested in getting involved in your franchise...
I am actually looking for a company that offers car valeting in my area. I love my 10-year-old car and there's no reason to chuck it just because it's covered in bird poo, has dead insects embedded into the bonnet and my cat once emptied her entire bladder in the passenger seat. Know anyone, or do you have an outlet in the Wiltshire area?
How much does a valeting typically cost on an MX5?
Posted by Clean_Waterless (Clean_Waterless), 28 August 2003
Hi LisaE
Unfortunately we do not have anyone in the Wiltshire area yet.
All the symptoms of natures influence on our cherished wheels are quite common but maybe not as extreme as yours.
We could restore your MX5 to showroom condition for about £90.
The reason we would charge so much, and the quote is made without seeing your car, is that usually when "bird poo" and dried on flies etc are on the paint and dried in, it actually etches into the surface and leaves unsightly marks on the paintwork especially if the colour is dark. We would have to clean the car completely and detail it i.e. get into all the nooks & crannies, and after cleaning the paintwork we would need to polish it with special restorers. This all takes time, but your car will gleam from every angle and be smell free.
I hope this is of use to you.
If you know of anyone wishing to start their own Car valet business in your area, please get them to contact us! info@waterlesscarcleaning.com
Kind regards
Posted by LisaE (LisaE), 28 August 2003
Gary, I'm sorry that you don't have anyone in this area...the price doesn't shock, in fact pretty much in line with what I've experienced with car valeting in the US. (Considering that some of the pricing structure seems to be $1 =£1
If I brought a car to you and left it, how soon before I could pick it up? And where is your closest franchise located?
Posted by Clean_Waterless (Clean_Waterless), 28 August 2003
Hi LisaE
We are in Hereford. As a new company we are in the process of setting up affiliates so there are none established at present.
If you bring your car to us allow 3-4 hours for the complete job.
Herefordshire is lovely this time of year!
Kind regards
Posted by LisaE (LisaE), 29 August 2003
You might be hearing from me. 
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