Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Some days I love this jobPosted by woodman (woodman), 25 September 2003
In the course of my work I carry out jobs for the very rich (one's a billionaire) the rich, footballers,rock stars, (SHARON ,that bloody dog's p****d on the carpet again) tv stars,presenters and Royalty.
Some cracking stories and some funny and not so funny moments(I could write a book I could and who knows one day I might).
One day is never the same as the last and that's what makes this job so good but some times there is nothing more satisfying than when you go into a little old ladies house, clean the 35 year old carpets and they come up like new.The jobs not a big earner but she's plied you with tea and biscuits and then at the end is so pleased she gives you a £5 tip and no matter how much you protest (honest I do) she insists.
Gives you a warm glow inside guvnor and no mistake.Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 25 September 2003
Royalty, eh?
Do you have a Royal Warrant? Does anyone know of any independent carpet cleaners or window cleaners with one?
MikePosted by woodman (woodman), 26 September 2003
I've had a few warrants in my time but never a royal one
No I havn't got one I don't do them enough to able to get one, say once every 18-24 months , I clean for a very high up the scale Duchess ,does that count, I'm told it does,any way she's a very nice lady no hiers and graces about them at all.
I don't work at any of the palaces, its their private country home that I do.
The only one that I do know with a royal warrant is John Fredericks in NW London.Posted by Nigel_W (Nigel_W), 26 September 2003
John Fredericks have the Queen Mother's warrant
Pilgrim Payne have the Queen.
Jet carpet cleaners also have one, maybe Prince Charles.
However the real juicy work in London is not the above, who clean irregularly and at discount prices, but the Royal Families of other countries who have residences in the capital.
NigelPosted by woodman (woodman), 26 September 2003
Hi Nigel
Pilgrim Payne was the one I was trying to think of.
It's not the value of the work, it's the kudos that goes with having the right to display the symbol personally I don't care either way.
In answer to your question I work mainly in south herts and bucks and into nth london.
What about you?Posted by Nigel_W (Nigel_W), 26 September 2003
Hi Woodman,
I live in South Herts (St Albans) and work in North, Central and West London, mainly in the residential areas. Strangely enough I don't do any work in South Herts? Maybe we could meet up one day - I am all for friendly relations with other companies. (Maybe its because I am a northerner )
NigelPosted by pre-vac_Nick (pre-vac_Nick), 21 October 2003
yes Pilgrim&Payne do have one, but that dosn't mean alot as i have been called out after them and prefered to them in the past!!Posted by Ken_Wainwright (Ken Wainwright), 21 October 2003
Like Woodman, I too have had many interesting and amusing stories to tell of my time in this industry of ours. Also, like Woodman, I and others have often thought of writing a book. But I've forgotten most of the stories! Can I suggest that if you've still got most of your brain cells, and you haven't taken to sniffin' P.O.G. on a regular basis, start writing your stories now as they happen, and try and recall your experiences from the past. You never know but you could have a nice little pension tied up there.
Ohhhhhh, if only we had word processors and computors all those years ago Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 21 October 2003
Here's a true funny story ( well I found it funny)
I was cleaning for a regular customer (an elderly gentlemen) last week. He told me that the week before he had been down to the council to get a free bus pass because he is blind.
The council had refused him a free bus pass because they did'nt believe he was blind.
I asked him why they did'nt believe him,
He said;
" when I went into the offices I forgot to take off my bicycle clips"
MikePosted by Musicman (Musicman), 21 October 2003
About 18 months ago I did a cleaning survey of a very large house that had been converted to offices.
The client (female) took me down a corridor to show me the toilets. I went inside the gents block and counted the units and then tried to open the door of the ladies toilets. The door seemed a little stiff at first so I pushed it again applying a little more pressure.
The door flew open to reveal a highly embarrassed young lady sat on the loo with her knickers (black, I remember that clearly) around her knees.
She screamed, the client screamed, and I spent the rest of the survey apologising profusely. Needless to say I didn’t get that contract.
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