Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
How did you get into this business?Posted by stevej (stevej), 31 January 2004
I've just come back from living in France and did not want to go back to my old job as a quantity surveyor. I was looking at something where I could be my own boss, did not need loads of cash to start-up and that I could learn quickly.
So I chose carpet cleaning, did a Prochem course, bought the gear and am now trading as a 'professional ' carpet cleaner
The most difficult thing for me is my lack of experience and not being sure I'm tackling jobs in the best way (even though I follow Prochems manual/advice closely). I also sometimes have doubts as to whether I achieve the best results possible.
Did most of you start cleaning with an experienced CC and learn the ropes or did you jump in the deep end like me?
Posted by strakercleaning (strakercleaning), 31 January 2004
Steve, 21 years ago i got sack from Plumbers on friday and started Carpet cleaning job on tuesday NOT A CLUE Company used Prochem so my first experience was same as yours. Did all Prochem courses and still use chemicals and machines today. I have done 3 other manufacturers couses over the years but the best new course that i have done is NCCA. You will learn generic methods (Not makers own brands) and if you go on to exam and joining, then customers will have confidence in your ability BEFORE YOU WILL,BY THE SOUNDS OF IT
Nothing wrong with caution but as you say, there will be jobs where the end result could have been better
Have confidence in what you know and never UM or AH in front of labels when they are not looking
Good luck and don't stop learning Posted by Ian_Hare (Ian_Hare), 31 January 2004
Welcome to the business.
At times you'll love it, others you'll wonder why on earth you bothered.
Two important points I noticed in your post.
1 'little cash to start up with'...... you'll find you need quite a lot more cash than you think, invest in lots of quality training courses and quality equipment, and remember there are several ways to clean carpet plus variations of each system. Plus you'll need to market youself and your business, and that can be very expensive.
2 'easy/quick to learn''ll find you learn a few things straight away, then go on learning every day, it's not as quick as you may think. There are people on this board who having been in the trade for countless years and are all learning more each new day.
Best of luck!
Let us all know how you are getting on. Posted by stevej (stevej), 31 January 2004
I bought a Steempro 2000 Powermax with 50ft hose -thought it was a good machine to start with. I have not got a powerbrush or pilelifter - do you think these are absolute essentials?Posted by Tony_Browning (Tony_Browning), 31 January 2004
Hi SteveJ
I started with a Prochem course, experience is a great asset however, but stay online with boards like this one and you will have help whenever you needit.
From Personal experience
Dont: Go buying every chemical under the sun thinking there's a magic one that cleans better than the rest, be guided by the folks on sites such as these.
DO : (if using a portable((and IMO a Truckmount)) agitate your presprays extremely well, with carpets pref' with a counter rotating brush machine...This wasn't something that seemed to particularly stressed on the course's that I attended, but is one of the most important factors to ensure excellent cleaning results.
Kind Rgds
TonyPosted by strakercleaning (strakercleaning), 31 January 2004
Last post is very true.......AGITATION IS KING
My customers and pals all comment on the extent of my agitation............... or is that irritation? Posted by jmj (jmj), 31 January 2004
When I first started I used to escort the customer around every room to ensure the job was good there's nothing wrong with being unsure.For my sins I've never been on any training course, if your honest about what you can do (stain removal,cleaningetc) the customer will in my experince be more then happy with the end result.Always show the customer the waste water and let them cringe at the sight.Posted by Dave_Lee (Dave_Lee), 31 January 2004
Its all down to experience - you get better the more you do it. No one was ever great at their job when they started. Ask your customers honest opinion, even if it means going over again - be your biggest critic. Become a perfectionist, dont ever take shortcuts. As one of my slogans reads, do the "Best Possible Job, Everytime".
You are bound to take longer on jobs at first but as your confidence grows you will become quicker and better. You are absolutely right though, a short time with a true professional can give you a valueable insight.
Best of luck.
Dave.Posted by squeaky (squeaky), 1 February 2004
In the early 90's After 20 years in the motor trade I decided enough was enough,sold up moved 60 miles and got married (re) not knowing how I was going to earn an income.
I had done a bit of part time window cleaning as a youth and thought that I would do some WC until something better came along,Fortunatly I have the type of wife that is prepared to muck in and without exception having someone beside you like that is the best asset to have ,5000 leaflets got delivered and the phone rang off the wall ,within 6 months I had 500 monthly customers.
I decided after a very short time that I should exploit the fact that I spoke to so many people on a regular basis.
I went on a prochem cc course purchased a second hand machine , 5000 leaflets later and so on.
Going into CC is the best idea that I have had ,I have been at it since 91 ,have 1000's of regular customers and work with a smile on my face.
I have since upgraded to a TM and have a good cleaning machinary hire business running alongside,although I also run an Office cleaning side I do intend to sell this as it is very problematic (finding decent staff etc)
I say to anyone thinking about starting CC go for it but do not play at it.Do your research,get financed and above all do not wait for the work to come to you get out and find it !
By the way I sold the window cleaning round after 5 years as I found it too time consuming.
MarkPosted by Ivar_Haglund (Ivar_Haglund), 1 February 2004
Goverment relocation program shhhhhhhhhhh
my real name is Sven
IVAR Posted by squeaky (squeaky), 1 February 2004
Hi Sven
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