Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Came across this sitePosted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 7 December 2003
What do you think can all these claims be really made and how much must they charge? The carpet cleaning packages are interesting Posted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 7 December 2003
A very good informative site, shows that the lad has nothing to hide and in my opinion is a credit to the industry.Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 7 December 2003
I agree with john, its a good website. I wonder how may people take up his maintanance package.
i think the word 'free' is used a little bit too often I wonder how much he charges for his stain & dustmite protector on his 'free' cleaning.
but he looks a very professional outfit.
Ps I'm going to take a leaf out of his book and start cleaning carpets for 'free' but I'm going to charge £100 to close the garden gate Posted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 7 December 2003
Nah, come on Mike join me and charge £100.00 to open the gate!!
Remember "Glass half full or Glass half empty??"Posted by Scots_cleaner (Scots_cleaner), 7 December 2003
A guy in our area has the same wording on his web-site.
I put out a flyer about 2 years ago with L/RM & H,S,L carpet cleaned then get the smallest bedroom cleaned free aslo spoke to customers about maintanance, ie get traffic lanes cleaned at reduced cost every 6 months.
But a limited number went for it.
The guy up this way wants you to pay £12 per mnth to get this maintanance, dont know how much people have taken this up?
Posted by Scots_cleaner (Scots_cleaner), 7 December 2003
I see that this chap has the PROCLEAN tm on his van.
Has anyone on the forum signed up to it and does it work? they all seem to advertise the same thing free free free.....Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 7 December 2003
I wasn't having a go at this guy I was just interested in your views i'm thinking of doing something similar like a bronze,silver and gold cleaning package if you have the confidence in yourself to do a good job then why not offer the not satisfied we'll clean it again for free i'm not sure about the money back scheme
Posted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 7 December 2003
So Steve your now saying that, You do not have confidence in yourself to offer a Full Money Back Guarantee!!
A collegue of mine Satsfaction or 110% Money Back.
" Feel the Fear and Do It "Posted by woodman (woodman), 7 December 2003
This is the Joe Polish method verbatim
If you want to use this method and save yourself a couple of grand, print it off. Posted by Kinver_Clean (Kinver_Clean), 7 December 2003
I offer a money back and have only had one claim in 15 years and that was the husband, the lady said the suite was knackered and she was happy. Been back lots of times since and made the money up. The husband went the same way as the suite eventually---out.
TrevorPosted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 7 December 2003
on 12/07/03 at 11:45:19, John_Flynn wrote:So Steve your now saying that, You do not have confidence in yourself to offer a Full Money Back Guarantee!!
A collegue of mine Satsfaction or 110% Money Back.
" Feel the Fear and Do It "
The thought of having to give money back makes me shudder Posted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 7 December 2003
Hoe many of you lads that offer a Full MBG have ever been asked to give the punter their money back??
Steve it is called Risk Reversal.
The 3 sweetest word to a clients ears M---- B----- G-----------.Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 7 December 2003
Hi Guys
Can I throw a slightly different slant onto this subject...
This ploy obviously works for some of you out there very well... personally I wouldn't dare try it and I put this purely down to the area that I live.
I have a nasty feeling that there are a fairly large group of people in Leicester who would love such an offer.
No matter what I charged (and I am not cheap) it wouldn't matter at all as they would have no intention of paying anyway.
Anyone want to live a little, move to Leicester and prove me wrong?
DerekPosted by Fintan_Coll (Fintan_Coll), 7 December 2003
I use the 100% money back guarantee too, but maybe as Derek says it has a lot to do with where you live. A friend of mine who lives in a City just 40 miles away from me says he could'nt dare use it, and come to think of it if I were living in the same City I would'nt use it eitherPosted by Ivar_Haglund (Ivar_Haglund), 8 December 2003
lOOKS a little Joe Polish to me
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