General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Advertising for staffPosted by Fox (Fox), 6 February 2004
I have recently tried a new method for advertising for staff and found it works well so thought I would share it.
We made 100 post card size flyers and put them through the doors of residents close to the contract that needed staffing. We got a brilliant response.
Most of all it was cheap as well as effective! Usually I pay anything between £25 and £100 + VAT for advertising in a paper - the leaflets cost me approx £7.50 including delivery!
Anyone else out there with ideas on how to recruit other than papers, job center or shop windows?
FoxPosted by heritagecleaning (heritagecleaning), 6 February 2004
That's a great idea!
OwenPosted by kcs (Marbles), 8 February 2004
I recently started putting up ads on noticeboards of companies i clean for. Worked already!!! Thers always somebody who knows somebody!!
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