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Ladder Leveller (Brand New)
Posted by Silly_Philly (Philip Hanson), 26 March 2004
Brand new Ankalad Ladder Leveller. Still boxed, never opened.

I bought this for my new ladders, but then we got a pole system so i dont need it now. If you've never used one, they're great. I would definately recommend them.
It cost £35
I'll accept £20
PM me and we'll sort out the details.
Posted by Silly_Philly (Philip Hanson), 8 April 2004
will no-one make me an offer for my poor ladder leveller?
Its sitting on the shelf, forlorn, unused.
Please find it in your heart to let it fulfill its life's purpose.
Dont be cruel to it anymore, I just can't bear it.
Posted by SteveTruman (SteveTruman), 8 April 2004
Is that £20 inc P&P.
Posted by Silly_Philly (Philip Hanson), 8 April 2004
Seeing as its you Steve, yes.
If you want it, its yours
Posted by SteveTruman (SteveTruman), 9 April 2004
Okey Dokey Phil, Send me your adress and i will send payment.
Posted by Silly_Philly (Philip Hanson), 9 April 2004
Sold to the Trumanmeister. A pm has been sent.
Posted by SteveTruman (SteveTruman), 10 April 2004
Hah got you Phil.
Didnt want it really just thought i'd brighten your day up.No be serious Cheque is winging its way to Bristol
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