General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Hey everyone, im looking for a job in Reading !Posted by customised_doll (customised_doll), 15 March 2004
Hiya everyone how is it going. I live in Reading in the south east and me and my sis were looking for work. We both have worked in a few cleaning jobs and i quite enjoy cleaning as it beats dealing with customers and it also keeps you busy (it almost sounds like i am filling out an application form)
Anyway, i was just wondering if anyone here has any idea of cleaning jobs on the site or know of anyone who needs cleaners in the Reading area.
Thanks for any info
xx.Posted by Anj (Anj), 15 March 2004
Hi i hope you get what your looking for try "Sodexho" if you phone personal on 0141 779 8200 and explain your requirements im sure they will put you in the right direction they are a, Support Service and Catering company and have units in that surrounding Good LuckPosted by customised_doll (cd), 18 March 2004
Hey Anj
thanks alot hun. Is that like a cleaning agency then?
xxPosted by Anj (Anj), 19 March 2004
Sodexho is a Cleaning & Support Services company they have a large part in the Cleaning Industry, they have contracts for schools, collages, banks, court houses and they cover Lothain and Borders police stations and cells they have a vast number of tenders
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