General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Need letter or flyerPosted by MB (Mark Betts), 7 January 2004
Hi Folks
I know this is similar to the thread below but i thought i would start a new topic so it didnt get lost.
I am starting a contract cleaning biz, as an add on to my carpet cleaning.
I need a flyer or letter or something to send out.
I am going to target local industrial estates.
If anmyone has a leaflet or letter they use it would be most appreciated.
If you want to swap I have loads of carpet cleaning stuff on Publisher and Word
My e mail address is
Many Thanks
MarkPosted by Charles_@_lakeland (lakeland), 9 January 2004
Hi Mark,
would be more than happy to give you some info.
mcpheec1@bp.comPosted by As-New_Cleaning (As-New_Cleaning), 21 March 2004
Hi Lakeland,
I also have recently expanded into this area and would appreciate your info if you don't mind.
Thanks in advance
Darren by seanc (seanc), 21 March 2004
has any one got a routh letter that they use for builders cleans with out the obviouse ie price ect that i could use as a template ?//
i just cant make one look pro anothePosted by davidchanguk (davidchanguk), 7 April 2004
hi lakeland,
i appreciate it if you could pass on your info.
thanks in advance
davidchanguk@yahoo.comPosted by cleaningbloke (Pierremont Cleaning Services), 12 April 2004
hi lakeland,
How about giving me your flyer info?
Owt for nowt - me!
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