General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Swisher Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 26 October 2003
Anyone know of a cleaning franchise called swisher?
I think they clean the washrooms in pubs, hotels etc I was reading about one in the C & M mag, it looks like a good idea for me to copy
MikePosted by sham33 (sham33), 26 October 2003
Heres a little bit of info about them .. by DP (DP), 26 October 2003
I remember seeing a lot of them up for sale in my recent travels, I though it was telling me something. Posted by Musicman (Musicman), 26 October 2003
I won a contract about a year ago where Swisher were providing a supplementary service to the client as the incumbent contractor was not cleaning toilets to a high enough standard.
Once we had started, the client terminated the contract with Swisher as she no longer had the need for their service.
In my many years in this business I have very rarely come across them, and struggle to see how and where they would secure enough business to make it work.
Put your money elsewhere Mike.
MusicmanPosted by catrodney (catrodney), 27 October 2003
Hi Mike,
Two years ago i was asked to clean a house which the owner was selling! so impressed with standard of work and removing scale build up in the bathroom,however turns out the gentleman works for a very large chain of public houses as contracts manager.,anyway told me the story of how the company they employed to deep clean the chains washrooms werent carrying out duties to a good standard and were more intrested in selling them toilet rolls,air fresheners,sanitry bins than cleaning.
The gentleman put a proposal to me which i accepted and now once a year i call at each public house and carryout a deep clean to the washrooms.
We have also secured business with a chain of restuarants in the south east and service a lot of small companies as well who require our service.
Now more than ever businesses are adhering to the HSE directive which states everybody is entitled to whether staff or customers ,access to a safe clean and in good condition toilet/washroom facilities.
As of yet the market is untapped therefore Mike why not get on the band wagon theres plenty of room.
The Washroom Cleaning co uk Ltd
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