Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Big thank you to the Preston Sunny Day teamPosted by Happyeater (Happyeater), 1 March 2004
Just a quick line to say how much I appreciated all the time and advice received today. A really helpful, friendly lot.
Unless I was at the wrong place, of course? Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 1 March 2004
Yes that goes for me too a very informative day if you want a truck mount Posted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 1 March 2004
Yes thankyou Glynn for organising a great day AGAIN
ShaunPosted by Glynn (Glynn), 1 March 2004
Thanks for the thanks, but next time its going to be even better better venue more spacious and more accomodating. And any distributors will pay a small fee to cover ----.
All in all more and more proffessional carpet cleaners are seeing the light and making moves toward equiping themselves with real machinery ie Truckmounts. I think since the inception of the first sunny day out , over half a (bakers) dozen cleaners have moved out of the dark ages and up to real TMs, and every one of them report positive attitude toward their business , they now realise true professionalism and build toward real profitt, by outshining their past compettitors. Anybody thats "really" serious about portraying their image of a true pro, will not quib about spending 15-30K on specialit equipment etc as they KNOW this will elevate them above all, assuming of course that they have a basic knowledge and dedication to this trade., and I have to say that when dealing or thinking about buying or aquiring information about TMs, then Hydramaster UK is the only "real" option available, as they are FULLY equiped to deal with ANY eventuallity during the fittment of a mount, and the technical back-up is unparrelled in the UK.
I hope that all who attended enjoyed, and you will return to the next event, its the only real hands on, do what you want with what you want cleaning event that exists !. IMO.
Thanks for all who came along,
Glynn & Lee. Posted by ALEXDH (ALEXDH), 1 March 2004
Out of interest glynn what type of portable do you carry in case you get a job which is not suitable for your truckmount.Posted by Glynn (Glynn), 1 March 2004
None Alex, I have now sold all of them, I would in that case just ring Lee or Dave or Shaun or Mike ot Steve etc , who would sort me out immediatly, and vice-versa. I once had a majoe breakdown , about 2 years ago, Lee G rung me and offered to lend ma his van c/w TM for as long as req free of charge ! , obviously I would do the same for him.
GlynnPosted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 1 March 2004
solidarity comrade
ps can you lend me a cup of sugar?Posted by ALEXDH (ALEXDH), 1 March 2004
Im all for helping out you ever get stuck your welcome to borrow me robin.
Not meaning to take the mick , carpet cleaners are the nicest people i have ever met, all seem to have worn out knees on thier trousers though.Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 1 March 2004
Get on to a.s.a.p as they are advertising your company name, I don’t have an axe to grind but care should be taken; I’m a t/m, portable and bonnet person haven’t tried the other systems out there yet! So can’t comment.
I think you are being a bit unfair about being a true Pro and will not quibble about spending 15-30k on a t/m it dose not end there what about the cost of the van. I can only speak about my self 3 years ago I spent in the region of £50k on a new van & t/m dose that make me a professional cc I like to think so, but some of the top cc and I mean top cc in the country only use portables, they would knock me into a brass hat.
If one is happy with the supplier why not sing their praise, that way the others may I repeat may take note, but some won’t, they think they are the bees knees, but having said that, their core business is cleaning agents/portables and not t/m.
Any way that’s my two pennies worth
Glad to see you all had a nice day out
LenPosted by nick.solution (nick.solution), 2 March 2004
Thanks Glynn & Lee
Great to meet so many of our customers, had a great time, some superb equipment for every body to play with!!!,
And some new users to micro splitting technology
looking froward to the next one.
Lee, Sue said to tell you keep on with the diet, it seems to be working!!
Best regards NickPosted by woodman (woodman), 2 March 2004
and all these years I've passing me-self off as a professional carpet cleaner when all along I am nothing but a charlatan
Except that,, when Glynn can't use his TM he then has to call in one of those un-professional mates of his to use theirs.
I am surprised you lower yourself to such depths Glynn Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 2 March 2004
"All in all more and more proffessional carpet cleaners are seeing the light and making moves toward equiping themselves with real machinery ie Truckmounts. I think since the inception of the first sunny day out , over half a (bakers) dozen cleaners have moved out of the dark ages and up to real TMs, and every one of them report positive attitude toward their business , they now realise true professionalism and build toward real profitt, by outshining their past compettitors. Anybody thats "really" serious about portraying their image of a true pro, will not quib about spending 15-30K on specialit equipment etc as they KNOW this will elevate them above all, assuming of course that they have a basic knowledge and dedication to this trade., and I have to say that when dealing or thinking about buying or aquiring information about TMs, then Hydramaster UK is the only "real" option available, as they are FULLY equiped to deal with ANY eventuallity during the fittment of a mount, and the technical back-up is unparrelled in the UK. "
I have to disagree with you there Glynn the results produced yesterday by Nick using the SUPER-PAD CHARLY were just as good as the results produced using the t/m if not better.The machine Nick used did not cost 15-30k.I'm there to be shot down forgive the pun Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 2 March 2004
Steve I’m first to be shot at please wait your turn.
Sorry Woodman you can’t join the charlatan club the membership has only one member at this moment ME.
Len Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 2 March 2004
Here, here you lot.
I am not repeating my self as I have left a very "polite" and "subtle" message on cleantalk.
But Glynn, I suggest u re read your post and think about what u wrote
MarkPosted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 2 March 2004
“The only people a truckmount impresses is other truckmount owners” I understand where you are coming from, but not with me I have total belief in all the equipment which I use, what I look at their van is it as good as mine then look how it’s kitted out.
Glynn may be a new boy to t/m I don’t know but his company put it’s name to Welcome to the Official Website of the Low Moisture Carpet Cleaner's Association! Who more or less pops at any type hwe what can you say after that!
LenPosted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 2 March 2004
oh yes and lets not forget the free hat
thanks john
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