General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Car ValetingPosted by Auto_Groom (Auto_Groom), 19 January 2004
Hi Every1
is there any peeps out there that do this for a living if so post me back
Thanx AndyPosted by DP (DP), 20 January 2004
Hi Andy
I dont, but I have a question, did you take up any of the Waterless products in the end, I remember Petra was looking for some samples from them.
DPPosted by petra (petra), 20 January 2004
and got a sample , but i will let andy tell you about that....Posted by Auto_Groom (Auto_Groom), 20 January 2004
Hi dp
yes used the product and it works .
my car looked Lush.
But the only thing with it you have to use high grade terry cloth and lots of it .
what happens is the polish draws the dirt up behind the polish and in to the cloth so you get a polish protection on the cloth .
it does work very well. but its not for me.
you have to buy a franchise to use it so thats not good and it is'nt Cheep.
AndyPosted by Clean_Waterless (Clean_Waterless), 21 January 2004
If you were using more than 2/3 Terry cloths per car you were doing something wrong and they can be washed to serve another day!
As for Waterless Car Cleaning we are not a franchise. You can buy the products for your own use.
Our Alloy, Window and Universal cleaners are simply the best and the Hand Polish is very efficient.
Visit our site and try some. You will be impressed.
GaryPosted by Clean_Waterless (Clean_Waterless), 21 January 2004
I would be interested for Andy to tell me how he got on with the CrystalCar sample we sent when he gets a chance.
GaryPosted by Auto_Groom (Auto_Groom), 21 January 2004
you have to buy a franchise to use it so thats not good
sorry clean waterless for the misunderstanding on the franchise.
but you do have to pay a licence to use your products dont u?
got to tell u they do work ,and work well
have taken some photos of my car and i was impressed.
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