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advice on oven cleaning franchises
Posted by Catherine (Catherine), 1 November 2003
I have recently been looking at oven cleaning franchises (rather expensive) and I was wondering if anyone new where I could get the proper chemicals to carry out this myself. I am aware you can get oven cleaning chemicals but obviously the secret is in the oven cleaner that you use. Any advice would be very much appreciated.
Posted by Fox (Fox), 1 November 2003
Hi Catherine
Have you had any experience in deep cleaning or oven cleaning before?
Posted by Catherine (Catherine), 1 November 2003
Hi Fox
No experience whatsoever, starting right from the beginning. My husband and I at present run a carpet cleaning business and he has been quite often asked about this service. In our local area there is only one franchise doing this and I wonder how easy it is. With our customers asking about it I am wondering if I can possibly add it on to our business.
Posted by pre-vac_Nick (pre-vac_Nick), 1 November 2003
there is an oven cleaning franchise round my area (sth London) these guys take the oven apart and put it into some kind of cleaning vat in the back of there van. Then put it back together, i must admit the oven looks like new but im not sure i would be confident in taking the bugger apart!!
Posted by DP (DP), 1 November 2003
There are many ways to remove grease from a surface which is what you are doing , irrespective if its an oven or not.
The most common use of a tank system in vans is to clean grease filters from commercial kitchens. They nomally use crystals which you can buy from a number of places.
However the commercial guys often get them from Fans & Spares, who have branches up and down the country, no doubt there will be other companies with their own version.
To be honest if you clean in situ, your hard pushed to beat the domestic cleaners, the key is to use a foam to suspend the chemical long enough to work.
I used to use a chemical called F1 (5lt) which was ok in cold water however I then tried it in very hot water and it improved it by 500%, never found anything to beat it commercialy.
Posted by Fox (Fox), 2 November 2003
I've seen a franchise advertise recently in the YP I think they are called OvenU.
I have done a few deep kitchen cleans and used a product called S20 on the ovens - I think express cleaning may be able to supply this - but not sure - check it out.
I have now given up oven cleaning and sub contract when a client needs a clean. There is definately a gap in the market.
Go for it Catherine but make sure you do your research first.
Posted by Catherine (Catherine), 2 November 2003
Thanks guy's for your advice. I am waiting for an express cleaning catalogue to come. I have sent for it twice, hopefully it will come this time (hint, hint). I will definately continue my research.
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 3 November 2003
Hi Catherine
Yes we do S20 and it's very good. Sorry you seem to have had problems getting a catalogue. Unfortunately, we're re-printing our paper one and it's likely to be another 3 weeks. Can we send you one on CD for now? Please email me your details and I'll make sure it gets sent
Posted by houseangels (houseangels), 3 November 2003
We have just started cleaning ovens as part of our service, we are in competition with the Ovenu man but there is definately a need for the service.
I have used Brillo oven cleaner after using a Vitera own brand product. It is much quicker.
When i first started it took about 3 hours per cooker now it's more like 2. 
Like you I am waiting forthe Express catalogue, but will try the S20
Good Luck
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 3 November 2003
I sent off for some details regarding Oven Cleaning to an advert in Exchange and Mart, not a franchise.
The equipment costs were about £3000.
I think these guys have researched the correct way to clean ovens.
About a year ago I asked a supplier what equipment I would need and was told a steam cleaner.
However Franchise companies and Others use tanks.
Surley this info is around and does not cost £3000.
Like everything if you can market the service you will get your money back.
Marketing is the Key.
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 4 November 2003
Hi Ian
Steam cleaners alone probably wouldnt do the job but would certainly help used in conjunction with chemicals.
What you have to bear in mind is that generally once people ask you to clean their oven it has got to the stage where the cleaning has been neglected and it is likely to have tough baked on fat and grease to remove.
Much like any so called 'deep cleaning' people want it done when its got to the point that it's so bad they cant do it themselves - whether they want to or not!
Regards Mike
Posted by martin_606 (martin_606), 4 November 2003
Hi All
From previous posts my feelings on franchises are clear!
I have talked to 2 oven business one of them Ovenu. Ovenu charge about £45 for a normal domestic oven and they do take it apart. They are well booked. I was on a prochem course today and was picking the brains of another oven biz and they are booked over a week in advance!
I feel that you do not have to franchise (my humble opinion) steam is useful, with racks and hard to reach areas, the foam cleaners are good also. For the black burnt on stains i feel only elbow gease and some implement will do it.
Hope this helps
Posted by DP (DP), 5 November 2003
Easy Martin there might be children on here.
How did the course go? 
Posted by martin_606 (martin_606), 6 November 2003
The carpet and upholstery courses were great. very intense though. the trainers were thorough.
Recommend to anyone!
There were some guys there from an oven cleaning biz and they were booked over a week in advance but he did say that he needed 40 ovens a week to survive.
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 12 November 2003
He needs to take 1600 a week to survive.
He must have several vans on the road or lives in a mansion or one bed flat in chelsea
Posted by martin_606 (martin_606), 12 November 2003
Hmm very true.
There was him + another guy who worked for him, so that was 40 between them. No idea what his costs are. He stated he does take the door off and about 2 hours per oven. Will have ovens in my advertising. Have done a few, some of them minging. Had good results with the foam cleaners and scourers and elbow grease.
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 12 November 2003
A lot of the Chemicals I have seen in Tesco you have to wait 40 mins for oven to warm up, does the same apply to commercial.
I also note that the Franchise companies use odouless chemicals.
That reminds me my oven needs a clean
Posted by petra (petra), 12 November 2003
I use a commercial oven cleaner for work and my own oven, but i do find that combining it with the steam cleaner takes the elbow grease bit out of it ( but writing this I have realised I only use the steam cleaner combi for my own oven. That must be because one of my girls loves oven cleaning)
Posted by Fintan_Coll (Fintan_Coll), 12 November 2003
Why buy into a franchise.Surely it must be possible to source what you need and devise your own system, a lot less expensive by far.
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 14 November 2003
Hi Fintan
I find myself agreeing with you.
Although clues are in the posts
Nobody has come up with a list of what you need.
I will make a start.
Kens Marrigolds.
Protective goggles
White Coat
Oven Cleaner, Best Brand?
Steam Cleaner ?
Floor protector
Wire wool
Brillo pads
TaNk for de contaminating parts ?
Manufactures instruction books?
Press adverts
Canvass team
Referal letters Gift Vouchers etc.
Insurance cover to clean ovens
Posted by Fintan_Coll (Fintan_Coll), 15 November 2003
You have covered most of it there Ian.
Posted by DP (DP), 16 November 2003
You just forgot one thing.
Someone else to do it !!!!! it realy is a filthy job 
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 16 November 2003
I forgot smart well motivated staff in uniform at £5.00 and hour.
Who have signed a confidentiallity contract, and unable to work for any other cleaning company for a period of 6 months on leaving.
Two P reg Escort Vans in good conition at £1500 each.
Probably Red (Ex GPO.)
Good Insurance Broker.
Posted by des (des), 25 November 2003
Hi catherine
We used to clean ovens at mister clean but after seeing ovenu we gave all are work to him .After he has finised they look like new , and you can not get them like that with the products that you can get in the shop .Its the heater in the back of the van that does the work .but the down side is the smell .I do not think it is good for you des at mister clean 07971840492
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