General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
ClothingPosted by ukmediums (ukmediums), 3 November 2003
I have previously posted here stating I am starting a cleaning job at the local school from Monday. I have a chapo from the Council coming on Tuesday to show me about the chemicals etc.
My question is, I know they provide rubber gloves but are they required to provide me with overalls or similar, or a clothing alowance if I am employed by a school/council.
Thanks once again SimonPosted by Fox (Fox), 3 November 2003
Hi Simon
Your employer is only under obligation to supply you with protective clothing - so it depends on the chemicals and equipment you use.
You are not automatically entitled to a 'uniform' however most Companies would supply one. Ask them the question, I am sure they would be happy to purchase you some overalls.Posted by petra (petra), 3 November 2003
and some chemicals state that goggles(saftey glasses) are required, and a few even state that u waer face mask
I know this is not realy relevent but just thought I'd let you know, but as for clothing a tabbard is normaly sufficent
PetraPosted by Fox (Fox), 3 November 2003
I'd like to see Simon in a tabard!!! If you get one send us a pic!!!!Posted by ukmediums (ukmediums), 3 November 2003
Whadayamean I might look qite fetching in a tabbard LOL
I think I will opt for the overalls LOL
We use carefree stripper, maintainer, atternum etc does this constitute te use of a overall
Thanks Simon
PS. If I do go for the tabbard look (if its this seasons fashon essential, I will send you a piccy. Put it on the mantlepiece It will keep the ids away from the fire lol)Posted by petra (petra), 3 November 2003
Well some has made me laugh after a long hard stress full Monday(usual rubbish staff sickness, this biggest ever one off job for a huge Property Company) and then the generators start playing up...hence I realy did not notice that u are a man, but that not saying u won't look good in a tabbard.
Yes with stripper and polish you should be issued with protective clothing.
Ps look forward the the pic'sPosted by Anj (Anj), 5 November 2003
Now a days P.P.E has to be provided if chemicals are been used ask your client what will be provided for your safety and use
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