Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Customer start cryingPosted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 3 December 2003
Went to a job this morning at 9am customer start crying after about 10 minutes when I asked what was wrong he told me his mother had died at 7.30 & his sisters had sent him home because the carpet cleaner was coming.About an hour later the whole family arrived I did not really want to hang so I made my excuses and left after the quickest clean i've ever done
Posted by MICHAEL_GAYTON (MICHAEL_GAYTON), 3 December 2003
Hi steve thats abit like my monday first job booked the ladys mum died, the next job after that cancelled her son had been killed !Posted by strakercleaning (strakercleaning), 4 December 2003
Horrible position to be in but spare a thought for my experience last year. Lady , in 30s, puts off appointment twice the night before 8am starts. Get to 3rd arranged appointment 10 mins early and wait. Knock at 8am but no answer. Ring the landline, in case in bathroom, then call mobile and leave message. No reply by lunchtime so i send in invoice for wasted callout, as per my terms & conditions. I get a call from her mother 4 days later to say that she apparently suffered a heart attack around 6am on the day of the job. Cancellations were for hospital trips prior to attack................invoice cancelled and I felt even worse when mother rang to let me know job was cancelled completely as her daughter died in hospital after 8 days.
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