General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Posted by ukmediums (Spik N Span), 19 November 2003
I am now using the buffing machine with a bit more ease than at first, however when I use the red pads they get realy caked up with dirt to the point they are shiny when I remove them from the machine.
Is there a good way of cleaning them, are they machine washable
I have soaked them but they shinyness remains.
As always your help is appreciated
Posted by deep_clean (deep clean), 21 November 2003
Hello Simon
If your red pad is being clogged with dirt, try using a green pad and mop the floor with cold water and cheap washing up liquid (less salt in the cheap stuff) scrub the floor while wet with the green pad, then mop up all the residue. Mop again with clean water and Leave to dry and then buff with a red pad. If you are using floor maintainer (pink) only use 30ml per 0.5 litre hand spray. And use very sparingly if the red pad becomes clogged when the floor has been cold water scrubbed with a green pad, it usually means you are using too much maintainer.
I usually clean my pads with a stiff loo brush under cold running water, and then leave to dry.
You can machine wash them, it depends on the quality of the pads you are using. 3M pads stand up well to being machine washed (40 degrees) but cheaper pads tend to fall to bits
Hope this helps
Posted by Fintan_Coll (Fintan_Coll), 23 November 2003
You can use a pressure washer to clean the pads too, Of course you can only do this outdoors.
Posted by thecaretakers.net (thecaretakers.net), 29 November 2003
A little tip I got from some school caretakers on my site is when you get a pad (whatever colour) it comes with a little center disk that you normally have to poke out.
I'm told that the center bit is ideal after using to scrap any build-up on the main pad during use or before you store it away after use.
School Caretakers also use it to remove stubbon marks on floors by hand while buffing.
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